[FUN] FUN Unlimited

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Website: fun-unlimited-team.com • Created: 2014-03-02

4,660,102 / 3,306,000

3355h 18m
The home of all fanatical freedomfighters, the brave funketeers and other scum ;)

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/279704958860428/ [facebook.com]

Our servers are here (please put us to your Favorites) :
#1 FUN Unlimited SQDM Server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/d3a8cebb-ffe5-4c38-864a-53a12e72a006/Fun-Unlimited-FUN-SQDM-All-weapons/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

#2 Fun Unlimited Tank Server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/de82a5bf-7500-4d60-bfb7-268b099ca648/2-Fun-Unlimited-FUN-Tank-Server-by-4Netplayers/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

#4 FUN Unlimited Clan Training and Match Server | ESL:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/45a37030-2ed2-4b41-80d4-0e8b7a08be85/4-FUN-Unlimited-FUN-Clan-Training-and-Match-Server-ESL/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

We welcome all nice players. You can use any weapon you like on our server and play the way you like it. Our admins are your friends here :) The only reasons why you can get banned from our server are those below :

• If you are insulting others or using too much bad language, you will get a warning and then eventually you will get a BAN.
• If you are cheating you will get a BAN. There must be some sort of evidence though, such as high cheat-o-meter score or previous cheating records.


Hello, as you know the section FUN Unlimited finance its own server.
We need more people to keep the server running !
There are two rewards :
- No queue for joining
- Immunization against auto-balance
We need you. After long battles, if you like find this place, this house, this haven of peace, you can help us with some small dollars, this is happening here :
http://patreon.com/funbf4 [patreon.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
Guys, we have tried to organise a ClanWar against your platoon, which would take place tomorrow evening. I spoke with Frische_Luft and he told me today that he left the FUN-platoon and is really sorry. Actually he wanted to arrange the CW with me (which isn't possible anymore). If you want to, we would like to have the CW tomorrow anyway. If you are interested, pls contact me (Slovin4Ukraine). I will talk to you about making the CW happen.

From Slovin4Ukraine, which is banned in the forums
9 years ago • 1 Like
Note: Frische_Luft is still trying to arrange the CW. Oh I forgot: we are the RAW-platoon
9 years ago
I'm sorry.. But I'm new here. Did the last CW happen? Any plans for future CWs?? x)
9 years ago
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 1 Like
nice, and fun moment :)
9 years ago
Who will play today @ the event? :)
9 years ago • 0 Like
Dear mates here is a message for you now:
I will be no longer a member of FUN starting today. Also, I am from now on no more admin and I have otherwise no other function in FUN team. I have taken this decision not lightly, but I thought about it for 2 weeks very hard. I will soon start my own business (company) and will from then on no longer have much time left. Another reason is that I just want to play without me having to remind people most of the time due to their mistakaes or searching cheater on our servers.
It was a nice time in the team and I was able to learn a lot. But now it is time to go some new ways in my life. Add to my friends list but this has no effect - I'm not dead, i am still alive :)
So good luck to all and have a lot of fun.
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
Hmmm. Sorry to hear that. Why You can not be no-admin FUN member ? Ehh...Weird things happens this days...
9 years ago
Alles gute und viel Glück bei deinem Vorhaben mein Freund. Real Life geht vor.
9 years ago
I have send a message for the TS3 , on our website , at all members who are registered on .
For the other you need first create an account at this adress . http://www.fun-unlimited-team.com/index.php [fun-unlimited-team.com] . Join us you're welcome !!
9 years ago • 1 Like
I have some problems with the battlelog. Everytime i join a server, it says that Game Disconnected without any reasons. And if i touch the icon on my desktop, i play the singleplayer, WTF -_-.
Can someone help me? If you are kind :3
9 years ago • 0 Like
Well i actually fixed it. My bad XD
9 years ago
I am happy to tell you our homepage is online: a true website for a real team!!
The Fun Unlimited’s team got bigger; and I think we need our own online world in order to chat, to share news about us and our matches.
A 30-slot Teamspeak will be available for our members, in order to practice and to prepare for the matches.
The forum is at your disposal to share ideas about the game, but also to give your opinion about the servers and the play modes. Dare say all useful or fun ideas on this forum!
I would like to thank Luft for thinking about creating a Homepage, to Jux for having worked on the site, to all the admins who give a lot of their time to successfully rule the servers, at last thanks to all the generous patrons who support us in a financial way.
And to all the Fun Unlimited’s Members…

Create your account just now !!!!! i give you the procon access tomorrow
http://www.fun-unlimited-team.com/index.php [fun-unlimited-team.com]
9 years ago • 3 likes
Hello everyone
First of all, I want to wish you a happy new year 2015, which I hope will bring you lots of good things.
I just put online a new server SQDM 32 slot, with the same rules as the one, the same plugins, but with New maps.
These maps are derived from the DLC (Naval Strike second assault, dragon's teeth etc ...)
Besides, let me know in the comments if certain maps are your preferences, rather than the other. We will have the best and most fun rotation.
9 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 4 comments Read more
Thx Khalane. It's a very good serwer :) I have a lot of fun playing there yesterday. I have one sugestion. Can you post that massage in private platoon wall? When it's here ,nobody gets info about it (no yello flag ),on private wall everybody will recieve an info.
9 years ago
yes i do that thx
9 years ago
Happy New Year all !!!!
9 years ago • 2 likes
Hey wheres your Server? Cant find it anymore... :-(
9 years ago • 0 Like
I also don't know what happend. You can try 4# FUN . Is domination on ESL rules.
9 years ago
this is a special post for chim. usualy i dont post that much :P
first u gotta get at least one dog tag from the final stand conquest maps which u can find here http://imgur.com/a/hzBRN. [imgur.com] if u got one of em (then u r lucky it took me half a day and only by graceful cray!!!) u need 3 other guys with the other 3 different dog tags from the maps.
then u go on hangar 21 map and close to flag A is a lift. enter it with 4 guys, all dressed up in phantom camo (both soldier and weapon) and equiped with left dog tag the "found dog tag" and right the "two face phantom dog tag" from before phases.if u get up on top floor u gotta enter the code: 1290 429 397648 970
then u get in the room with the bow and right haad site there r some little shelfes > climb it up there u find some documents to unlock the phatom phase 4.
have FUN!!!

..special thanks to mr cray!!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
lol..anyone else received 95 gold battlepacks??
9 years ago • 0 Like
Yo Ripper, me only 65 :(
9 years ago
Thank you very much to the generous patrons who contributed to the server's rental! There are $5 left to reach the goal of the $65! Who would like to be the generous last donor who would rescue our beloved server? http://www.patreon.com/user?u=86744 [patreon.com]
9 years ago • 1 Like
Hi Guys

I'm sorry but I have been away for work, I hope to return soon...:)
10 years ago • 2 likes
Hey Gio, best wishes for you. Have a great time m8. C Ya
10 years ago