[PDHM] PDHM Gaming
Website: pdhmxgaming.wix.com/pdhmxgaming •
Created: 2014-03-08
7,206,845 / 3,306,000
2753h 43m
Potestas de Hominis Mortis (Power over mans death)
Welcome to PDHM Community battlelog, PDHM is open for everyone that want to be in the family.
If you are looking for PDHM's competitive team press the link below
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/7924811552740760540/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
PDHM was created in: 2012-10-19
https://www.facebook.com/pages/PDHM-Gaming/1562056487401357?sk=timeline [facebook.com]
https://www.facebook.com/groups/602562366503623/ [facebook.com]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/PDHMxGaming [twitter.com]
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/PDHMxGaming [youtube.com]
We span across the Xbox360 and the XboxOne
BF3 Match Record - 55-5
Welcome to PDHM Community battlelog, PDHM is open for everyone that want to be in the family.
If you are looking for PDHM's competitive team press the link below
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/7924811552740760540/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
PDHM was created in: 2012-10-19
https://www.facebook.com/pages/PDHM-Gaming/1562056487401357?sk=timeline [facebook.com]
https://www.facebook.com/groups/602562366503623/ [facebook.com]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/PDHMxGaming [twitter.com]
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/PDHMxGaming [youtube.com]
We span across the Xbox360 and the XboxOne
BF3 Match Record - 55-5
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/a0890960-bdde-42de-8f89-328bb806bbe0/SoF-WELCOME-TO-HELL-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-2400/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/a0890960-bdde-42de-8f89-328bb806bbe0/SoF-WELCOME-TO-HELL-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-2400/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 1
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SuicidalGinger69 and
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10vs10 Tournament Hardcore - http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/2lD3KWlEHO [challonge.com]
9 years ago • 1
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Its Vdeanventurev may i be added to the roster my 360 account is already on here
9 years ago • 2
SuicidalGinger69 and
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Salve sono xXxJRaffy14xXx membro dei FWOI. Vi andrebbe una cw in dominio 5vs5, 6vs6, 8vs8?
9 years ago • 1
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La Serenity recherche des matchs
GT : Pina doeula
Team Serenity☯™ BF4 Xbox 360 - T5 / T8 / T10 / T12 - Dom / Def / Conq
Server Name : Serenity || Team FR
GT : Pina doeula
Team Serenity☯™ BF4 Xbox 360 - T5 / T8 / T10 / T12 - Dom / Def / Conq
Server Name : Serenity || Team FR
9 years ago • 1
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Lmfao Chris.. Vocal the only way we would do another 5v5 against your team is if it was on an east coast server even at that I would have to ask the guys and see what they say
9 years ago
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SWEECO, where da fuck have you been? I have not seen you in like 2 years, i miss you buddy!
9 years ago
9 years ago
I just applied to join. I am willing to reset my stats but would rather not. I mainly play Assault and Engineer. Pretty handy with a MK153 SMAW.
9 years ago • 2
SuicidalGinger69 and
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just applied ive played against you guys frequently and your no joke i promise not to disappoint if you wanna run a tryout
9 years ago • 2
SuicidalGinger69 and
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I just applied. I don't think my stats at this moment are good enough, but I think they would be if I did a reset but I don't want to do that. I am willing to do a try-out. Thank you
10 years ago • 2
PDHMRichard and
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I have recently left my former platoon and I am interested in joining.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your time.
10 years ago • 2
SuicidalGinger69 and
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EBC - TUS European Championship
Hey there, TUS are hosting a Domination only BF4 Championship against all of Europe's finest clans in the Xbox 360 community. If you would like to join in this Championship then follow this link to watch the trailer and apply.
We also have a website for this competition, that has a forums in which you can post questions and have discussions about times. We also have a Facebook Group for the leaders of each platoon. This is where all of the evidence from each game will be kept and this will (as well as the website) have the times and the Teams that will be going head to head.
The Rules to this Championship can be found on the website - The rules are only in ENGLISH, FRENCH (Français) and SPANISH (Castellano) at the moment but we are hoping to translate it into other languages soon.
If you have any problems then please talk to any of the admins and then they will get back to you for any questions. Or just visit the Contact Us page on the website and it will be sent to our Admins.
If you are interested in the Facebook page and you have signed up then please message xYoungNinja1747 on battlelog and tell him your Facebook name and your Platoon then he will accept you into the group. Remember you do not have to be on the Facebook page - it only makes it easier for some people. You may have at least 2 Leaders on the Facebook page. Although you may be on the Facebook make sure that you are also on the EBC Website forums as some things may be on there and not on the Facebook.
EBC Website - http://bit.ly/1uHeRCl [bit.ly]
EBC Facebook - http://on.fb.me/1BWnv1Q [on.fb.me]
Admin Battlelog - http://bit.ly/1B49Lws [bit.ly]
Co-Admin Battlelog - http://bit.ly/1wuy8Rr [bit.ly]
Co-Co-Admin Battlelog - http://bit.ly/1wuy9ov [bit.ly]
TUS Website - http://bit.ly/1yVCMMK [bit.ly]
TUS Battllelog - http://bit.ly/1Juobuc [bit.ly]
Hey there, TUS are hosting a Domination only BF4 Championship against all of Europe's finest clans in the Xbox 360 community. If you would like to join in this Championship then follow this link to watch the trailer and apply.
We also have a website for this competition, that has a forums in which you can post questions and have discussions about times. We also have a Facebook Group for the leaders of each platoon. This is where all of the evidence from each game will be kept and this will (as well as the website) have the times and the Teams that will be going head to head.
The Rules to this Championship can be found on the website - The rules are only in ENGLISH, FRENCH (Français) and SPANISH (Castellano) at the moment but we are hoping to translate it into other languages soon.
If you have any problems then please talk to any of the admins and then they will get back to you for any questions. Or just visit the Contact Us page on the website and it will be sent to our Admins.
If you are interested in the Facebook page and you have signed up then please message xYoungNinja1747 on battlelog and tell him your Facebook name and your Platoon then he will accept you into the group. Remember you do not have to be on the Facebook page - it only makes it easier for some people. You may have at least 2 Leaders on the Facebook page. Although you may be on the Facebook make sure that you are also on the EBC Website forums as some things may be on there and not on the Facebook.
EBC Website - http://bit.ly/1uHeRCl [bit.ly]
EBC Facebook - http://on.fb.me/1BWnv1Q [on.fb.me]
Admin Battlelog - http://bit.ly/1B49Lws [bit.ly]
Co-Admin Battlelog - http://bit.ly/1wuy8Rr [bit.ly]
Co-Co-Admin Battlelog - http://bit.ly/1wuy9ov [bit.ly]
TUS Website - http://bit.ly/1yVCMMK [bit.ly]
TUS Battllelog - http://bit.ly/1Juobuc [bit.ly]
10 years ago • 3
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Magnum I want to suck the milk out of your titties you already know we only 5v5 lmfao
10 years ago
i just applied and was looking for a good platoon to join and i saw that one of my friends is in PDHM and i was wondering if i could join?
10 years ago • 1
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For those of you who are wondering, the very very minute amount that actually do, I have left (or been kicked out?) PDHM. It was a great run for the times when we all played together even, if it wasn't in a huge clusterfuck of a party. I've contemplated this for quite some time, almost two months. Reasons why are simple really. I began to stop being invited or even informed about events and the rare few I joined our own server or a party with people in it, i would kicked for no apparent reason or "MLG rules". Before even that, I enjoyed playing with the main squad; Richard, Jerz, Monroe, even Vicent occasionally. But with time, as the clan grew, new people were introduced and joined PDHM. Each with a particularly....disdaining perspective of me, and yet these people become leaders before me, even though I brought new people to PDHM. Their views began to twist my words, turn people against me, even though, they don't know how "close" I was somewhat to the Leaders and Founders. Eventually my own friends turned against me, Bokem, Wonky, Dinkleberg. The main snake in the grass I speak of is Outlaw,(there are several others but you are the main culprit). Saying nothing but how Richard and everyone else hates me , how I'm "bad" at the game (funny because Richard wanted me in because I kept beating his MG4 with my G36C in a game of Rush on Paracel Storm). Or even when I join a party to be greeted to a barrage of screaming, literal screaming, obscenities. To the point where I leave and create a new party to talk to one or two people. To me, I don't see how that is considered "Leader" mateial, but I digress. With time, it just wasn't the same playing with a lot of you, before it was fun, now it's a game of someone constantly "Get me up!" "Medic! Throw Health!". Before it was about having fun with friends, or even people who were good, nowadays the only people i even bother to play with are Whale, Blesin, Fly, or even Monroe. The only people who play the game for fun and don't mind messing around every once and again and yet still manage to win. The guys who no matter what happens or what you say can take the joke, laugh a little, then respawn and go on with out their feelings being hurt.
10 years ago • 3
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dont forget abot me man we can play i njust havent been on much see u round man
10 years ago