[CMFF] Cover My Effin Flank

  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
Created: 2014-03-01

22,923 / 113,000

884h 52m
Welcome to Cover My F%#king Flank Platoon!!
Looking for a players that LOVE to win but can also make losing fun!!!
SERVER NAME: CMFF Platoon Server (When Available)

Clan Tag is: CMFF

****Once we get a Server up and Running please wear the CMFF] tag if we are in a Match with another clan in our server or our opponents server to keep from being kicked, other than that you can wear any tag you please****

(I know a few of you are having BATTLELOG Issues, I know who you are and am aware that you cannot put on the clan tag at this time)

The Most Important Rule in This PLATOON is to cover your Squad/Teams A$$!!!

Communication is Key...Mic's preferred......

Play the game the way its supposed to be played and you will get along fine in this platoon! = PTFO

*****Important Jobs for Different Classes, please try and do the following when playing in this Platoon*****
Assault - Throw Med Packs and REVIVE.
Engineers - Blow Up Vehicles and AirCraft
Support - THROW AMMO!!!!!
Recon - Light up(Soflam) the air and ground so we can take out vehicles and aircraft!!
Be prepared for anything in this platoon....the most important thing is to make your time spent here fun....its a GAME......we do bust each others A$$E$ every now and then......especially when FRIENDS TAKE FRIENDS dog tags.....we also celebrate good wins......we may even break out in song...yes we do sing at times.....LOL

We are just a bunch of gamers that like to have a GOOD TIME.....

A majority of us are PREMIUM, so if your not Premium you may not be able to join us at times due to not having all the maps......

And just Remember to COVER MY EFFIN FLANK!!!

********Lower Case Clan Tags will result in a dishonorable discharge and a 20 year imprisonment at Levenworth!!!********

***Leaders feel free to change the platoon logo if you want and invite members you think will fit in with our clan!!***


CMFF is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Applications are being accepted!!
10 years ago • 0 Like