[1UP] Team White PS4

Website: www.1up-clan.de/ • Created: 2014-08-06

5,231 / 12,000

25h 6m
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • One United Power "Team White"- Official PS4 Platoon • ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

• If you're playing against us, keep that in mind: We are NOT the first "pro" Squad of 1UP.


# BF4 Pro Squad: Team Blue [bit.ly]
# BF4 Casual Squad: Team White [bit.ly]

# BF4 (PS4) Main Platoon: http://bit.ly/1kOWlvN [bit.ly]
# BF4 (XB1) Main Platoon: http://bit.ly/1pvElLe [bit.ly]
# BF3 (PS3) Main Platoon: http://bit.ly/1lA5gqp [bit.ly]


• Sponsors
# Pro Aim Resistance: http://www.proaimresistance.com/ [proaimresistance.com]
# EasyDealz: http://www.easydealz.de/ [easydealz.de]

• Social media
# Website: http://www.1up-clan.de [1up-clan.de]
# YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/1UPClanTV [youtube.com]
# Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/1UPClanTV [twitch.tv]
# Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1upclan [facebook.com]
# Twitter: https://twitter.com/1UP_Clan_DE [twitter.com]
# TeamSpeak: http://bit.ly/1hkMO1A [bit.ly]
# Any Questions? http://ask.fm/One_United_Power [ask.fm]


Hey guys, wondering if you want a 5v5 dom match, add: AccuracyTryhard and we can sort something out :)
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey, habt ihr lust auf ein scrim dieses Wochenende?
10 years ago • 1 Like
This platoon seems racist as fuck, i'm just saying, I don't have anything against u guys but think about it for a moment lol
10 years ago • 2 likes
10 years ago
We are organizing an international tournament for High Leveled Clans. Each Clan can register a maximum of 3 Teams of 7 Players (5+2). Teams have to join by the 15/09/14 sending an email to:antonino.bazzone@gmail.com who will send you the registration form. The tournament will start arround the 21/09/14, the 20/09/14 at 8:00 p.m. GMT+1 we will drawn the teams in to the groups for the qualification rounds.The tournament will be sponsorized by Plantronics Gaming.The awards will be announced at the reaching of the provided teams (64). Please visit the following link: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/en/platoons/view/8087567369236002237/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] and join the Platoon. https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1119x699q90/661/JKaEIS.pcng [imagizer.imageshack.us]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Noch mehr zu putzen...
10 years ago • 3 likes
Viel Glück Hasis :3
10 years ago • 2 likes