In your platoon is a coward Cheater "--sK - ryPta--"
I would be ashamed, with so a coward is the only vehicles from the camping and cheating
I hope it still Candid players are with you
Please register him at EA
"--sK - RyPta--" is a cowardly child Antisocial
The easy can play anything and a Cowardly child that can only hide in vehicles
In the game, many players have complained about him and he has insulted them with very bad insults
How can one be just as cowardly as "--sK - ryPta--"?
Best of all, if you want to fight in the game with him, he runs away in his helicopter
As a fig rat he runs away instead of fighting
No wonder the use such antisocial children as he cheats
Please Report to him at EA
Look at the website:
There appears, he is a cheater is Nitrado a cheat O Meter
Or on the website: []
Those were the last two games with him
The player on my team are heaps of cut down, because he was cheating and not like to play with cheaters [] []