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  • Founder
Created: 2015-03-21

42,724 / 49,000

389h 31m
HELLGAMING is looking for more dedicated and competitive players we currently are in game battles and face other clans often. our game mode that we compete in is rescue, and non competitive tdm. if you think you have what it takes feel free to apply and add me as a friend. you must be over the age of 16 and have a mic- oHELLo The Doc or oHELLo REAPER


9 years ago • 0 Like
I applied. Im 16 and with a mic but my mic is crappy and makes me sound younger.
9 years ago • 0 Like
i applied for your platoon and im also sixteen but my mic makes me sound like a little kid also im decent at battlefield hardline
9 years ago • 0 Like
I accepted the application welcome to the team add me as a friend and ill see you on the battle field
9 years ago
i see that 0 skill level =P
9 years ago • 0 Like
we are skill 7 and level 18 im confused by what you said?
9 years ago
Platoon skill - google it
9 years ago
just applied for your clan i am 24 also in the military in the British forces looking for competition platoons
9 years ago • 0 Like
welcome to the clan we run scrims quite often we have a uk player and he has a uk rescue team that he runs out of hellgaming contact him to play with players more in your time zone add me on xbl and add some of the guys from the clan GT:KILLINGxKINDLY
9 years ago
Hey guys,
I'm Timmy:]
I've applied to your clan.
I'm actually pretty new to xbox one so my gunning isn't the best though, but im getting better and better...
experience: well I was leading 4 years one of the best "Soldier Front" (PC game) clans, was in the world championship sf final + played cod and cs:go (european sports league)

Well, if theres a chance to get in your team I would be proud to take the tag.
Heard about you guys from another player so that's actually the reason why im trying it.

About me: Timmy, 20 years old, freakn crowd.
Guess that's enough,

Peace :]
9 years ago • 0 Like