[MOBB] Midnight Marauders

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Created: 2014-03-02

4,506,536 / 3,306,000

1623h 52m


Would you guys be interested in a scrim?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello MOBB,

I am the LTGEN for Tides Of War and a friend and fan of MOBB. We have officially published a server dedicated to all out war titled (Tides Of War World War 3). It has max tickets and 15 maps from each expansion pack. The idea here is to see which teams will be the most dominant. Anytime you would like to go to war, please join our server, but remember the game is set for 3200 tickets and unlimited time with a max vehicle respawn time and hardcore settings. Imagine the glory you will have to say you held it down longer than any other team. This is the first time we have tried this and hope it will become popular. We want it to be as realistic as possible that is why we have maxed the tickets and nurfed the vehicle respawn time. Holding the objectives can win the game, but at snail speed so the ideal way to play is to annihilate the other team. Please feel free to comment on the forum and comment on the facebook page as much as youd like.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/therealtidesofwar?ref_type=bookmark [facebook.com]

Forum page: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064781016254600/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Thank you for your time,

10 years ago • 0 Like