[DoD] Department Of Defense

Website: www.dodgaming.tk • Created: 2016-09-11

669 / 13,000

46h 19m
"All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence." - A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

There is no peace without conflict and vice versa. Our unit was created based on the idea of faith, trust and confidence. In order to build a successful community you must have faith and trust in each other. You must be confident that your battle buddy, copilot, driver will do the same.

Conflict is inevitable. No one is perfect. What can be changed is the outcome of each conflict. Resolving issues is essential in order to keep the community together. We've all witnessed communities falling apart due to a number of reasons - loss of interest, disagreements and conflicts. Those capable of accepting the reasons will always be the winners - you will grow as a person and the next community you join will benefit greatly from having such a valuable asset as yourself.

Enough about mistakes of the past. There is a future to build. In our Unit you will have the opportunity to join any part of the military - army, navy, air and marines. You will be given chances to rank up and be in charge of teams, squads, platoons and eventually in charge of whole separate sections such as the army section.

We do ask you to respect one another and to follow the orders of the higher ranking players, who are in the same section as you (Seaman Apprentice < Navy Captain). During the free time you are welcome to fuck around - we mostly don't care. However during EVENTS, briefings/debriefings you are expected to respect the higher ranks as you would in real life. This is a military simulator server at the end of the day. The complete set of rules will be posted over time as we finalize some things with you guys - so that everyone is on the same page.

All that being said, we welcome everyone with open arms! Join in and have fun!


To apply, please click Join and get with your Branch General for desired position.


Wazz up
1 year ago • 0 Like