[STAR] SpecialTacticsArmedReg

Created: 2016-03-24

94,655 / 97,000

632h 35m
This is an Australian BF4 squad called 'Special Tactics & Armed Regiment' aka STAR, that was founded by A45471987 in the year 2014. Our emblem was designed by Warrior_Ela09.

We are devoted to play the objective and always win in the battlefield at all costs. So, if you are an enemy and come across us, steer clear of our path or you will pay the consequences.

Our Moto: We Saw, We Spawned, We Conquered.

Anyone is welcomed to join the STAR squad & platoon. If you have teamed up with us a few times, like playing the objective and winning the game, join us! We are always having fun and looking for new squad members!

If you see one of us online, feel free to team up with us. We are a friendly, cool and weird bunch who don't mind goofing around and having a laugh. We take BF4 seriously, but not too seriously.

Although we don't own a server, the main servers we enjoy playing are; Band of Brothers, Castle, VC, 722.

Message one of the STAR squad members if you are keen to join. Peace!


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?