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Website: www.goodoleboyzgaming.com • Created: 2016-01-10

9,071,858 / 3,306,000

2344h 17m
=GBG= we want to host a server that everybody is able to have fun and play as they want, in a clean and cuss free server. We believe that everybody is here to get rid of stress and have a great time, winning is just a bonus !!


To my friends a need very urgent help and i have til wensday to pay somting my ex wife is funking .....,. a pay to my wife and i dont want to go back in jail i swear pay back my friends give me two years the time to pay it pay back i need to pay1600 euro to the court til 14 /03/2018 is the deadline my email adres is polstrubbe@hotmail.com
6 years ago • 0 Like
So what is everyone doing these days??
7 years ago • 0 Like
I’d like to thank Redbull for all of his support. I know people are at different levels and no matter what I say or show will change their mind. People are going to see what they want even in a recording. Again I’d like to thank Redbull for being one of the better admins in the community. GG
8 years ago • 2 likes
Miss me some J3THRO
8 years ago
nice server, but some of the admins (hillary supporters) get mad when they get killed :))
8 years ago • 1 Like
we only have 3 active admins, so not sure what your talking about. Im not one that gets butt hurt when I get shot over n over n over, thats my own fault if that happens, but when I do play hard, I do more killing than dieing, so Im not sure who you are referring to? I know its been a month, but I still want nothing to get un-answered or taken care of
8 years ago
No Hillary supporters you must be in a different server
8 years ago
UIhhh hi I am trying to get back into the vent server but the ip address or something seems to have changed. I am a friend of Redbull's so any help would be appreciated
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey all. Thanks for the good times tonight shootin' it up. I will be back!
8 years ago • 1 Like
Thanx for finding us, we are always here and your always welcome... its hard to find a custome server now a days in the browser, but once you know were here, add us to your fav's
8 years ago
Already done sir.
8 years ago
I seem to recognize some names in this group... Hummm..
8 years ago • 1 Like
like who, alot of us used to be in GTG but started this group. pop in and say hello
8 years ago
Hi guys...what's up?
8 years ago • 1 Like
wuz upining saint? thanx for being a regular in our = your server
8 years ago
=GBG= we want to host a server that everybody is able to have fun and play as they want, in a clean and cuss free server. We believe that everybody is here to get rid of stress and have a great time, winning is just a bonus lol... and if you want to play to show off your skillz, then go for it, we like the competition. no hold back gaming !!!
8 years ago • 1 Like
am back... yippee!
8 years ago • 1 Like
I dont see anyone on the server anymore :(
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys!!! Miss playing with all of you -
8 years ago • 1 Like
where ya been man? We were talking about you about a week ago, remembering the good times. We moved on to create new ones and your welcome anytime your back up or ready to play again. how are things with you?
8 years ago
Hey guys n girls, new TEAMSPEAK info is .... gbg.ts.nfoservers.com port 24670 pw is gsxr1000 ANYBODY can join, dont be shy, its a blast working together and being able to talk, we even have split channels for each team
8 years ago • 1 Like
So I dropped ventrilo off the server ans added TEAMSPEAK, so next thing I see is the server was gone lol...I deleted the server all together rofl ahhhgggg, so it took 2 hrs to order knew sever and got lucky the ip stayed the same but the DNS changed, so you have to find it in the browser or join off friend, then re-add it to your fav's, WHAT A LONG DAY !!!!! I are edgemicated
8 years ago • 1 Like
thanks for all the hard work! fun server and smooth :)
8 years ago
BattleField 1..... I hope 2143 or BadCompany3 comes out soon after? I will be waiting for my real opinion on BF1 after we play the BETA...
8 years ago • 1 Like
thanks for the server, having lots of fun on it.
8 years ago • 2 likes
Thanks for playing in the server and its folks like you that we have a server, we may not fill up to 64 but we have over 45 at times and this late in the game, I know we will have a great start in BF5
8 years ago
Thankyou Dice and EA for the 4x points weekend, alot of player's that left, came back to have fun and level up. This was alot of fun and good to see all that came back not only for this event but to keep playing.We have 3 new members in the clan just over the last couple days and look forward for more to join, our door is always open to join and welcome new friends. Thanx to all that played and welcome back!!
8 years ago • 1 Like
Anyone want to try out some of the forgotten game modes this weekend?
I was hoping to try and play some Squad Death Match, and Defuse!
8 years ago • 1 Like
oh man I just now saw this msg, ya we did have a TDM map in rotation but it didnt go well lol, please let us know what else you would like to see in the rotation and glad to put somethin in for ya. thanx and sorry I didnt check msg board, I will from now on
8 years ago
All good! was seeing if I couldn't get some Likes :P
8 years ago
At =GBG=, we have a open door for those that want a place to call home for the game and friends..we will be hosting a BF5 server the first day that its released and want to build a group that grows with the game while friendships are being built as well. We dont ask for anything to join the clan, or as we have called it, a "BROTHERHOOD", so if you want to join us, please, just ask and put the tags on to start representing.. Thankyou..RED
9 years ago • 1 Like
is there a server up?
9 years ago • 0 Like
since you have been in the server, I will say yes and the website is also up and ready for members to join or to post in the forums...thanx
9 years ago
Anyone know if the server is up yet?
9 years ago