[FN] Fighting Noobs

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Website: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpojayef8k • Created: 2015-07-05

9,450 / 205,000

777h 16m
We are super maximum pro l33t n00bs so have a fuck ton of rules!
1. Don't be shy to show off your allegiances and select the damn "use Emblem and Tag" thing-gummy, just do it, JUST DO IT :)
2. We like super sneaky game play, ergo you should use the most camo, camo shit in the game. Thus change all your shits paint to "Fire Fighter", just do it, JUST DO IT (at once!)
3. Being better than Seal Team 6 we require only the most powerful secondary weapons in the game for that 26 shot stopping power thus ergo, change all your secondary pistols to the FN57 (yes.....because it says FN and thats fucking cool), just do it, JUST DO IT (kindly please)
4. Because we are so Pro l33t, we expect you to be the best in every game! (but if you can't, @ least beat Leoweer mkay)
5. Dont be an ass, douche shit is doos shit so don't do the usual crap ergo, redlining or shooting FRacTuR3, etc.
6. We are collectors so if you ever play in the opposite team as Nick-Fury, TAKE HIS TAGS (everytime, just do it, JUST DO IT (like seriously, everytime))
7. We rely on each other like sauce to pasta, so repair, heal and ammo up that bitch, give squad orders, try and make sure our squad is ECHO or get an earful from 5KORP10

And please get Axon Dolby so we can chat https://axon.dolby.com/download_sign_up.php [axon.dolby.com]


soz guys leaving platoon, thanks for the good times will keep the chats as had plenty fun
8 years ago • 0 Like