[SKS] Silent Knights
Created: 2014-05-11
6,537,510 / 3,306,000
3261h 7m
Eclectic group of Sister's and Brother's of many colors who fight as one. Let freedom ring out to you and yours. Join SKS ....No tom foolery, APPPS, cheats, need apply. Be bold, play fair with us... Plasticity is the way we must contort . .Those who apply must be over 18 years of age be a team player and have a mic and have the ability to follow orders of officers. Go to SKS Server and get acquainted
Many of SKS are pre ordering Battlefield 1 to get all the perks.
Join us in the move to the new game and fight as one,
We will continue to play Bat4 !
Join us in the move to the new game and fight as one,
We will continue to play Bat4 !
8 years ago • 0
SKS is team effort and group of fighters dedicated to playing hard and having as much fun as possible.
8 years ago • 0
SKS is not affiliated with any other platoon. We have a private SKS server. We have a long history of team players and will continue that tradition. We are here to stay as a viable platoon and if you give respect you will get respect back. Fight as one. Knight
10 years ago • 1
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We have a SKS Server that is a good place to make friends
.If your a team player and have a mike and over 18 your welcome to try out for the SKS team and we stress team. Move and play with direction and fairness. NO one with cheats apps or malcontents need apply. We are here to play a hard and a fair game. Play your best no matter what your skill level or abilities. We have people from around Us and Canada who fight as one.
.If your a team player and have a mike and over 18 your welcome to try out for the SKS team and we stress team. Move and play with direction and fairness. NO one with cheats apps or malcontents need apply. We are here to play a hard and a fair game. Play your best no matter what your skill level or abilities. We have people from around Us and Canada who fight as one.
9 years ago
I would like to thank all those SKS members who have played there best no mater what there skill level and who respect each other and have a great team spirit and are loyal and good friends. Thank YOU
If you would like to join us we have a server SKS Silent Knight's You must be over 18 be a team player and have a mike and having a sense of humor helps so that being said come join us on our server. Play hard and fair that's what we expect.
If you would like to join us we have a server SKS Silent Knight's You must be over 18 be a team player and have a mike and having a sense of humor helps so that being said come join us on our server. Play hard and fair that's what we expect.
9 years ago • 0
Whasssup? It's papa. Send me an invite to join please. Look forward to seeing you all again !!!
9 years ago • 0
Hey guys I'm looking for a good platoon to play with. I'm only 19 and live in UK region. I use the mic all the time and am serious when it comes to winning but can have a laugh too. I'm wondering will I meet your requirements and would I fit in.
9 years ago • 0
Hey im a ps4 player and was wondering if i could join SKS? My k/d isnt how i play right now i took about a 5 month break from this game and fps in general and im getting back into things. i normally have around a 2.0 my psn is reindeer-11_ message me on there if you need anything
9 years ago • 0
Join us on SKS sever. You must be over 18 to be admitted to SKS and be a team player and used to fair play and respect is required. Having a mic is necessary. Some of us have special needs and we expect that you play your best no matter what your level or skill is!
9 years ago
Hats off to SKS team work and fair play, you guys are the best!
10 years ago • 1
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I first came across SKS when I started playing Mag a couple of years ago . I have always found them to be a great bunch of Guys to game with and mostly in the same 40+ age group as my Wife (MRS2 ) myself (MR2). I at one stage was in sks in mag , but I only left because of a known player killer called Sniperhitman who I had a major hatred of because of his antics of team killing blue dots . I was allied to many clans that disliked this player and his crew and was known to organize hunting party's for him . My motto was anyone team killing my Friends on purpose , I was gonna get him. So rather than cause any conflict in the Ranks of SKS I felt it best just to be an allies of SKS
Thankfully there is No team Killing possible in BF4 to the best of my knowledge and am now Proud to Be a Member of SKS once again and have worn their tags since first buying BF4 in 2013 to honor 1 of the Best Clans in MAG and the great bunch of friends I have made through being associated with SKS KIA KAHA (Stay Strong)
mr2 one half of mr2mrs2
Thankfully there is No team Killing possible in BF4 to the best of my knowledge and am now Proud to Be a Member of SKS once again and have worn their tags since first buying BF4 in 2013 to honor 1 of the Best Clans in MAG and the great bunch of friends I have made through being associated with SKS KIA KAHA (Stay Strong)
mr2 one half of mr2mrs2
10 years ago • 3
Ladies & Gentlemen
Recently my family and I were at an antique fire truck show and we came across a group of U.S. Vets from Korea, Nam & Gulf war’s, sitting silently at their booth raising funds for wounded servicemen and women by selling tee shirts that they themselves paid for. We stopped, cracked open our wallets & purses and gave (not bought). They all tried to give us something in exchange for our cash, we refused. I told them My Dad was a war Vet, and some Vets gave far more than we could ever give. In my opinion no one should ever have to raise funds to help those injured in battle, as the country has a responsibility to care for them. That isn’t being done to anywhere near an acceptable level otherwise there would be no need for fund raising.
We all play this war like game and many others like it … and while doing so we never give much or any thought to those service men and women injured in real battle. It doesn’t matter if you personally agree with war or not. What I’m asking is to take a second and give a thought to those service men and women injured in battles. Battlefield 4 has sold over 9 million copies and if we each gave just $1 that would be over 9 Million Dollars to a worthwhile cause. Take a second, give a thought and a buck or 2.
http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org [woundedwarriorproject.org]
Recently my family and I were at an antique fire truck show and we came across a group of U.S. Vets from Korea, Nam & Gulf war’s, sitting silently at their booth raising funds for wounded servicemen and women by selling tee shirts that they themselves paid for. We stopped, cracked open our wallets & purses and gave (not bought). They all tried to give us something in exchange for our cash, we refused. I told them My Dad was a war Vet, and some Vets gave far more than we could ever give. In my opinion no one should ever have to raise funds to help those injured in battle, as the country has a responsibility to care for them. That isn’t being done to anywhere near an acceptable level otherwise there would be no need for fund raising.
We all play this war like game and many others like it … and while doing so we never give much or any thought to those service men and women injured in real battle. It doesn’t matter if you personally agree with war or not. What I’m asking is to take a second and give a thought to those service men and women injured in battles. Battlefield 4 has sold over 9 million copies and if we each gave just $1 that would be over 9 Million Dollars to a worthwhile cause. Take a second, give a thought and a buck or 2.
http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org [woundedwarriorproject.org]
10 years ago • 1
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Well said. I served and although I do appreciate those that thank me for serving I never asked foranything in return. I am a period Marine and I am proud of my country the good old USA. I will never turn my back in her or her children.
10 years ago
We are looking for Team Players with mikes who must run with us and be voted in.
10 years ago
Just want to say that this Platoon is awesome, I been having the chance to play with others and no matter who it is they always show good team work skills. Proud to be part of SKS.
10 years ago • 3