[SaS] System Arms Strikers

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Website: www.sasclan.de • Created: 2014-03-11

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4613h 35m
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hallo liebe es SAS member ich wollte mal fragen ob ihr mich vllt entbannen könntet :) fande den server eig immer ganz nett bin da aber ne lange zeit schon gebannt drauf weis auch nicht mehr wieso aber könnte man da vllt etwas machen? :)
7 years ago • 0 Like
(RDZ) B7ackMam3a : Fuck Cheater & Hacker Platoon. Hoffentlich wirst Du Drecksau nicht entbannt.
6 years ago
(SaS) MrJ0hnny : Fuck Cheater & Game Hacker
7 years ago • 1 Like
Laas_lassen you lil noob, search some info about this, can help you a lot.

Dunning Kruger Effect. You're welcome! see you !
7 years ago • 0 Like
P.S. This server was the best, among the list of the server)
9 years ago • 1 Like
thx ;) you´re Welcome.
9 years ago
Hello everybody! I really liked your server. Game Modes and the balance of the players. And most important - rules. Do not use sniper rifles. But you changed the rules a couple of days ago. Now it is impossible to play. dominance forces withdraw snipers from the server and wait for change. I have great respect for all administrators, they are adequate for one hundred percent.
9 years ago • 1 Like
We know but the Server run now better.
9 years ago
But a recent change in the rules of disappointed me. The dominance of snipers imbalance. You pay for the server - you set the rules. I do not argue with that. Thank you for your good attitude and a good game! Good luck to you in the management of the server!
9 years ago • 1 Like