[LOX] Liquid Oxygen

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Created: 2014-02-27
0m 0s
Welcome to Liquid Oxygen. We are an active platoon, so if you are interested in playing with a group that is consistently playing BF4 then join up. Once we have enough members in our ranks we can even start to do clan battles against other platoons. Also, if you enjoy recording gameplay, good news, I also record (including voice chat). I plan on getting to the point where we can produce highlight reels of awesome and hilarious platoon action every week. Having others who can record will allow for alternate angles, and could capture things that would otherwise be missed. Finally, if you capture then the odds are you can help perform editing as well so that would free up more time to play BF4. Thank you for taking the time to look at our platoon.


I'll be returning to BF4 on April 29th (I have been working on my capstone project for school the past couple of months, but I will finally be finished with it soon).
10 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to Liquid Oxygen. We are an active platoon, so if you are interested in playing with a group that is consistently playing BF4 then join up. Once we have enough members in our ranks we can even start to do clan battles against other platoons. Also, if you enjoy recording gameplay, good news, I also record (including voice chat). I plan on getting to the point where we can produce highlight reels of awesome and hilarious platoon action every week. Having others who can record will allow for alternate angles, and could capture things that would otherwise be missed. Also, if you capture then the odds are you can help perform editing as well. Thank you for taking the time to look at our platoon.
10 years ago • 0 Like