[AGA] Adult Gaming Alliance

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Website: www.aganation.org • Created: 2014-02-27

38,091 / 131,000

1028h 21m
In joining our BF4 Platoon, please remember to visit our forum, get into games with our members. Then you will become a full member of both after you complete our membership process.

CURRENTLY RECRUITING FOR XBOX, XBOXONE, PS3 & PS4! (However, we never turn away anyone)

Some clans claim they are for adults, and then operate like children. This is not the place. This is more than a clan; it is what you make of it. Our ego’s get checked in at the login screen.

If you are tired of the "Adult" clans that run like condo associations, then we welcome you.

http://www.aganation.org [aganation.org]

The AGA is a multi-platform gaming community made up by gamers, for gamers who have been here since the dawn of modern gaming. We didn’t play by the rules, we created them.

We cut our teeth on “Pong” and the early Atari, Coleco and Intellivision systems. We were shocked at the bright colors and the awesome graphic improvements of the first 8 bit Nintendo and Sega systems. We saw the light with the inception of the 16 bit systems. And finally, we stood there; salivating with mouth agape in anticipation of the first CD and DVD based consoles. Oh yes, we have been there and experienced it all.

We now would like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to the XBOX/PS3 gamers who, like us, have been there from the beginning. But first, a very brief history.

The AGA was formed in early 2012 by a group of gamers who had these things in common: they all loved video games and they believed everyone is equal. They knew they were not alone. So, these few brave men & women (pioneers, if you will) knew there was a yearning, a niche that needed to be filled and they saw a beacon of light in the dark. That beacon was the AGA. After a few weeks of grueling labor (I’m sure some colorful language as well) a forum was born. A forum that was unlike any that came before it. They knew then that they had created something special. This forum was a tribute, nay, homage to the adult gamer. Thus was the birth of the AGA.
Now that I have your attention, let me tell you what we’re about. We are a non-competitive clan who are just into having fun. In fact, that is our number one rule. We know that at the end of the day you want to just relax and blow off some steam, and what better way to do that then with people want the same thing. We are all around 30 years old (some younger, some older) who want to kick back enjoy some time with people our own age who share the same interests. If you like what you are reading, check us out.

Here is what we expect from you:
1. Have fun. We are a non-competitive group.
2. Be respectful toward the other clan mates. Offensive members will not be tolerated.
3. No cheating, hacking, glitching or boosting. If you do so, you will be banned and reported to Microsoft, or the Playstation network. We believe in the fairness of play.
4. No console bashing. We are a multi-platform clan who all wear the same clan tag. In fact, since a lot of games are cross platform, we post in the same threads.
5. You must be at least 30 years of age. Membership for those below 30 may be approved in certain cases.
6. Be active! Participation in games and forums is highly encouraged.
7. List Farming is not permitted.

If you don’t think that you can comply with these or any other rules set forth by our founding members or site Administrators, then we thank you for your time and ask that you move along. If you think what has been posted here looks pretty good, all we ask is that you check us out.

All members and applicants will be governed by, and shall follow the "Rules of Engagement" henceforth known as "ROE". These rules extend to all social media outlets including (but not limited to): Playstation Network (PSN), XBOX LIVE (XBL), Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TeamSpeak, Any Game Forums and related sites. All members wearing the tag will be considered a representative of the clan in its entirety and shall conduct themselves in such a manner. Any violation reported will be reviewed regarding its severity and will be handled on an individual basis.

1. AGA is a non-competitive clan. This clan’s primary purpose is to promote the enjoyment of gaming. Whether in game or this forum, “Having Fun” will always be our goal.

2. Our clan’s maturity is mostly about how we interact with other people. This includes, but not limited to: No libel, slander, lying, fabricating, console bashing, ethnic slurs and/or epithets, religious or political bigotry, threats of any kind, or any other form of communication that may be construed as inappropriate. There will be no advertising or spamming of other clans here or on any AGA media outlet.

3. Obviously things change somewhat when we get to know and befriend people. A tasteful amount of joking and playfulness is acceptable, and encouraged, because we are a social clan. However, at no time is it acceptable for an AGA member to intentionally enrage or maliciously insult, or ridicule another AGA member (or anyone else, for that matter).

4. Clan members will not cheat, glitch, boost, hack or perform any actions that provide an unfair advantage outside any games original parameters.

5. Yes, what is not allowable is subjective. AGA absolutely reserves the right to remove posts we think break any of the rules or the spirit of the rules and we reserve the right to ban individuals from commenting and from the clan.

6. We recognize that personalities and egos clash now and then. All clans have drama, and ours is no exception. Your level of maturity is reflected in how you handle the situation. Should a discrepancy occur between members, an administrator or moderator should be notified immediately via a PM. Any discrepancy is considered a private matter and should be kept as such. If necessary, a special Conflict Resolution Forum will be used to reach a final determination. All parties involved will be given a temporary password for access and a mediator will be appointed. Any member who does not demonstrate maturity in handling disputes will not be tolerated.

7. Applicants 30 years of age or greater, will be granted membership upon receiving a minimum of 3 vouches.

8. Applicants under the age of 30 may be granted membership which will follow the guidelines set forth in section 7. The final determination of membership will reside with a majority vote, held by the administrators.

9. Family membership is allowed, providing the member submits a vouch with the final determination residing with a majority vote, held by the administrators.

10. AGA has no restrictions on multi-clanning.

Thank you,
AGA Admin


New Players:

in order to be accepted to our platoon, you must first become a full member at our site. Please visit us at www.AGANation.org [aganation.org] If you are a full member, but have yet to be accepted, please let us know!
10 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more

Make friends with Bee4nc, and warcry1969 both here and a the forums, they are the main ps3 guys
10 years ago
I've been accepted, Just in.
10 years ago
Hello brothers!

We want invite your team to join a friendly games project to keep battlefield 4 alive.

The project is called ACS All Clans Society.

Currently 31 teams on it. We make Conquest Large games all satudays 7pm california time. Mixed teams, no rules, squad based team sign in for games. Everything allowed.
All teams are strongly experienced as yours, meanwhile all good friends and the pace is peaceful, friendship and awesome bf4 matches.

The only proposal is to have fun and make great games. All free, exclusive server, and everything is set up through a Kik app group chat which only clan leaders or a team representative participate.
You just need to come and play with us!
Games are also live streamed in Twitch on multiple languages.

★ Current active teams


For more information contact kik users:


★ACS Twitch
http://twitch.tv/acsleague [twitch.tv]

★ ACS League Information
http://dfacorp.myfreesites.net/acsinfo [dfacorp.myfreesites.net]
8 years ago • 0 Like
When I click your site link it takes me to some shopping site. Is this clan still active? I'm 32 and looking to join up with some older gamers...
9 years ago • 0 Like
If you are currently playing BF4 on PS3 send me a friend request, my gamer tag is PoE-WB (that's a upper case P, a lower case o as in Oscar, upper case E, dash, WB)
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey aga look up myself (mtknifer) agbandit or funny hair joe as current bf4 bfh players
9 years ago • 0 Like

I just applied to this clan, but am not exactly sure how/when to find out if I have been accepted. I'm 35 years old and live in Sacramento, CA. Been gaming my whole life, beginning with Atari at my cousin's, but first system I owned was original NES. Then Sega Gensis, PS1, PS2, PS3, and now PS4.

Loving BF4, but don't really have any friends that have it. Moved here from NY, and none of my friends back there play either (actually one does, but on PS3). So, I'm generally stuck jumping on and playing alone. Looking to just be able to squad up with some other like-minded individuals to have some fun and find some more success playing as a team. I'm an average player at best, but I am interested in communicating and playing the objective. I don't care much about stats, but I do believe my stats would significantly improve by playing as part of a platoon.

Please let me know how to find out if I can join this platoon, and if there are any other steps I need to take. I see something below about becoming a full member first, but not sure if that's something to take care of after I am told I have been accepted. PS4 ID is: hendrix879.

10 years ago • 0 Like
AGA Nation! Keeping it casual..... don't like it? We feel for you....
10 years ago • 1 Like
Can I be invited to the platoon, The Apply button is not working.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome! stop by and say hello!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Up for clan battles vs. Bom1 PS3 ?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thanks, but no thanks. We are a non-competitive group.
10 years ago
OH hello...i've been alerted I've been accepted over on the forums...so I applied here now. Thanks! -Rich
10 years ago • 0 Like
welcome to the nuthouse!!
10 years ago
Anyone having trouble with getting vouches, please PM me on the sight and we will get you going!
10 years ago • 1 Like

hi guys just added a server for us, search NJ AGA :)
10 years ago • 1 Like
Applied to forums
Heate26_99 on PS4
10 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
I still hate snipers
10 years ago
We all do Heater, we all do.
10 years ago
HOLY COW!!! 1 million points!!! Way To go AGA!!!
10 years ago • 2 likes
Just applied... still need to be vouched for but I hope to rectify that little fact sometime soon!
10 years ago • 2 likes
Did you add me on psn and here? we will get your vouches
10 years ago

People who apply: If you have applied to our forums, please let me know. Thank you!
10 years ago • 0 Like
People who apply: If you have applied to our forums, please let me know. Thank you!
10 years ago • 2 likes

nice thread, your platoon sounds like my kind of people...I might sign up for your platoon
10 years ago • 0 Like
You are more than welcome! If you are over 30, or close to it lol, sign up and become a member of our site www.aganation.org [aganation.org]
10 years ago
We are old.... we game... get used to it..
10 years ago • 2 likes