[WU] World Unity

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Website: worldunity-wu.16mb.com • Created: 2015-10-17

13,189,220 / 3,306,000

5775h 4m
Bienvenidos al mejor pelotón de Hardline, en Xbox 360.

"World Unity respeta a todos los que nos odian, porque sin ellos... WU no seria el mejor"


Requisitos para ser parte de World Unity:

1. NO ser parte de otro peloton.

2. K/D +2.0

3. Nivel 150 o Legendario.

4. 100 estrellas con una clase.

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Welcome to the best Hardline platoon on Xbox 360.

"World Unity respects all who hate us, because without them... WU would not be the best"


Requirements to be part of World Unity:

1. DO NOT be part of another platoon.

2. KD +2.0.

3. Level 150 or Legendary.

4. 100 stars with a one class.


Welcome to the best Hardline platoon on Xbox 360 and Xbox ONE.

"World Unity respects all who hate us, because without them... WU would not be the best"


Requirements to be part of World Unity:
1. DO NOT be part of another platoon.
2. KD +2.0.
3. Level 150 or Legendary.
4. 100 stars with a one class.
6 years ago • 0 Like
Espero volver jaja
6 years ago • 1 Like
И я тоже
6 years ago
add me
6 years ago • 0 Like
você não atende aos requisitos, para fazer parte do WU
6 years ago
Requirements to be part of World Unity:
1. DO NOT be part of another platoon.
2. KD +2.0.
3. Level 150 or Legendary.
4. 100 stars with a one class.
6 years ago
I had challenged all these so called bad ass players who have high k/d to play one round on hardcore they decline right FFC Zile 19? they wont come on the server but all they do is talking crap about other players k/d like who gives a shit about it I just play to have fun!!!
6 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
wu are a bitch clan!!!!!!!!! they camp and refuse to come to a hardcore server
6 years ago
Most people on here are try hards that play to piss on lower levels
6 years ago
add me bud??
6 years ago • 1 Like
glad to be on the clan bud .
6 years ago
add meeeeeeeeeeee
6 years ago • 0 Like
add me?
6 years ago • 0 Like
add me?
6 years ago • 0 Like
bunch of bullies
6 years ago • 0 Like
WU is the besttttttt!
7 years ago • 1 Like
ur clan sucks
6 years ago
JODER World unity!!! Me cager en clan !!!
6 years ago • 0 Like
jose fra sucks !!!!!!!!!
6 years ago • 0 Like
This clan sucks!!!! they hide and camp this how they have high k/d. This clan sucks monkey nuts! brunch of pussies if u asked me.
6 years ago • 2 likes
Uh, yo, i would like to join this clan, ive been jumping from clan to clan but some just dont fit for me and some take it above and beyond with all the stuff and sending me threats and stuff, just looking to join this clan to have fun and prove m self..
6 years ago • 0 Like
add me!
6 years ago • 0 Like