[NZ] New Zealand Platoon

  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader
Website: newzealandplatoon.enjin.com/ • Created: 2014-02-27

78,940 / 221,000

1215h 26m
Kia Ora Soldiers. Welcome to NZ Platoons Battlelog Page.
We are a competitive/casual BF4 PSN platoon that has a good competitive scrim team as well as a highly active community of NZ players.

To apply to join the platoon, apply at the "Official Website" link, found at the top of this page.
Applying via battlelog will indicate that you haven't read this and you will be automatically denied.

Also make sure you add the Main leaders:


If you are looking to join the platoon for Bf4, please note that we only allow soldiers who will stay loyal to us and the country. This means we will only accept if you are in no other ‘competitive’ platoons. You rep NZ and NZ only. If you happen to be with a group of friends, in a fun, joking around, or vehicle representing platoon, then that is fine (e.g. tank whores, jet dogfighting ladder, rivalxfactor fan page – these are all non-competitive).


To challenge NZ to a scrim, contact one of the leaders through Battlelog by friending and sending a PM.


hey guys
9 years ago • 0 Like
whats up
9 years ago
Can I join....yip clicked the link and applied

obsess6 (psn on Ps4)
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys!

I'm just posting on here with regards to Battlefield Hardline. Now I've been asked to gauge the scope of platoons who would be interested in Ladder play for the new game before anything can be implemented. So if you guys are interested please comment on the thread below with your team name.

http://au.cybergamer.com/forums/thread/563772/Potential-BF:-Hardline-Ladders/ [au.cybergamer.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
16v16 add me
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys

I am calling on New Zealanders best players left on ps3 to come play for their country against Team Au
If yous have any or know any1 please apply here
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/6985343639865156222/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Come represent your country and platoon


10 years ago • 0 Like
Would you guys ever think of making a Team New Zealand team for WNT? I think you guys should.
10 years ago • 0 Like
lol, sorry Atiego, we're all kinda inactive now. Only about 4-8 active players, and about 12 in total would ever play comp. Losing players to other games and just BF4 being generally shit. NZ no long best in NZ.
10 years ago
accept my application Vulkan and you will be. Peace =)
10 years ago
8v8 dom ad me
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey NZ I was wondering if I could join your platoon I've already registered by your own website but I was thinking I could ask in the comments. I'm not a great player as this is my first FPS game but I'm improving (I Think) heaps in terms of the ways I play and skill and K/D. I've been looking for another platoon where I can battle along some of the players in New Zealand and improve my skill with squading up. I hope to here back from somebody. Cheers. F-B
10 years ago • 0 Like
yoooo do much people still play on ps3? im so keen to join
10 years ago • 0 Like
hello is it possible to be a member of your team?. I love your country because the new zealand :) and I want a team to country thank you for your answer.
10 years ago • 0 Like
hmm so i already ha a profile on the website, interesting i fully forgot, i have no idea how to use website thou :( where all them Auckland ppl at ???
10 years ago • 0 Like
Can I re-join?
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
hello we looking for clan war 16 vs 16 CQ normal
10 years ago • 0 Like
any xb1 nzrs
10 years ago • 0 Like
Attention Platoon Leaders, a new and exciting Battlefield competition has been announced. ANZ GAMER are proudly hosting the first BF4 League to hit consoles for Aus/NZ. iX along with several other clans are joining in on the action. There will be scheduled scrims weekly to ensure all clans get a fair go at the title. They even have prizes for one of the Domination ladders. If you are keen and think your team has what it takes follow the link for more info.
http://anzgamer.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/articles/bf4-league-r42 [anzgamer.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey how can i join?
10 years ago • 0 Like
You have joined mate. Check your profile on the website, I will put a post up there.
10 years ago
Hey guys, HellsGhetto here.
I've just set up 3 private ladders on Fragged Nation to help make the Australasian scrim scene have a more defined and organised image and have a universally defined set of rules.

Conquest Ladder- http://www.fraggednation.com/forum/topics/ladder/Australasian-Battlefield-4-Conquest-Ladder-10642 [fraggednation.com]

Defuse Ladder- http://www.fraggednation.com/forum/topics/ladder/Australasian-Battlefield-4-Defuse-Ladder-10641 [fraggednation.com]

Domination Ladder- http://www.fraggednation.com/forum/topics/ladder/Australasian-Battlefield-4-Domination-Ladder-10640 [fraggednation.com]

Please sign your team up and get your members to join your team so that we can get the official 1st season of the Australasian League underway. Ranked scrims will begin once we have enough teams registered and all teams have received the rule set.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Good stuff Ghetto. I've signed our team up.
10 years ago
Great gaming with you guys, its nice to have team mates back you up etc. Just applied to join your platoon. I'll be on tonight if you keen to squad up.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey bro, can you please go to http://newzealandplatoon.enjin.com/ [newzealandplatoon.enjin.com] and fill out an application there. We handle everything through the website :D Cheers
10 years ago
hola i just wondering how competitive is NZp and do you compete in prize pool competitions.

Chur Pi
10 years ago • 0 Like
also is your platoon only PS4?
10 years ago
We are competitive, but there's no such thing as prizes in Aus/NZ PSN community as there's no support from anywhere for it. Looking at playing in a fragged nation ladder shortly when it starts up. And yes, only PS4.
10 years ago
thankz for accepting me in i will stay here for a while im liking the vibe and team work
10 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
For a while? We only want people who are gonna stick with us mate. No platoon whores.
10 years ago
when i say a while i mean a few years
10 years ago