[EVL] The Evil Gang

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Created: 2014-02-28

9,680,523 / 3,306,000

5138h 15m
EVL = The Evil Gang

http://evilgang.aowc.net/ [evilgang.aowc.net]

Welcome to The Evil Gang ! We are a group of guys / gals who love to play FPS games. EVL has been around since April 2010, and over time, members have supported, respected, trusted and looked out for each other.

There aren't any special rules or commitments as other clans might have, just a respect for each other and a
willingness to back other EVL members up through thick and thin. And of course, have fun too!!

The only requirements for membership is that an applicant needs to know at least one Evil Gang member to be vouched for and be 18+ years of age.

And as a member, we DO expect you to wear our EVL clan tag. It shows a sense of loyalty and support to your fellow
members. If you're not willing to show your support, and wear the tag, then don't bother applying.

If you are inviting a new member, please remember to post giving their name so that they can be accepted. No applications will be approved without following the proper procedures.


Potential Applicants, please read the Full Platoon Presentation for details on joining The Evil Gang.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Is this thing on?
3 years ago • 0 Like
Hey EVL clan. Hope you all are doing well. Just popping in to say hello to old friends from BF43
9 years ago • 0 Like
Good day Gents....I am sending this message if regards to, two subjects of conversation. One, one of your guys edwing240 I believe his name is has enlisted to join our platoon...being as it that I cannot reach Edwin240 I can only assume that he is reaching out in order to organize a clan battle. If this is the case, could you have one of your correspondences please contact me on psn. Please note: we currently play only on ps4.
9 years ago • 0 Like
oh also what is your particular game format? How about 32 v 32 conquest or 24 v 24?
9 years ago
Lone wolf probably
9 years ago
Ill be back around the 17th playing bf, waiting to get my 150/50 fiber op
10 years ago • 1 Like
alright webda these boys want a match with youhttp://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1045199365350818127/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 1 Like
roflmao... no members?
10 years ago
looks like it could be a hard match fighting ghosts lol
10 years ago
Hello Guys, Have not played with you guys a for a while but would like to join the platoon for BF4. I only have BF4 for PS3, waiting to get PS4 soon.
10 years ago • 0 Like
theres a couple of us still on the 3, myself, gazeebomb, pozmer, and a couple more, add us up
10 years ago
EVL_WOOD420 finally figured out how to join battlelog :D So except me PLZ and send me some FR
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey Guys remember me? I would still like to wear the tag even though I don't play on the PS4... Let's show the Xbox users what EVL is made of!
10 years ago • 1 Like
give it to them brah
10 years ago
lol meth
10 years ago
Finally Migrating to PS4, after finishing my first year of College.

Sending App. Please accept so that I can Pew Pew with you guys in a week or two.

Anyone here still remember me? XD
10 years ago • 0 Like
anyone gotten into hardline beta?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey man good to see you. And to answer your question, yes I and many others have played it. Click on the private tab above, that's where most posts are. This public area doesn't get used much.
10 years ago
am i accepted ?
10 years ago • 0 Like
I asked the platoon if anyone knows and vouches for you which is the only way to be accepted into The Evil Gang besides the age requirement of 18.
10 years ago
It's okay that u can't accept me because I'm just 14
10 years ago
Ea/dice are like Microsoft, they bring a product out that dosent work and gets the feed back from the end users and fix the issues then they come out with another product and they same thing, don't work, get feed back and fix, vicious cycle, imagine if car makers did this lol
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
Here is an example of what GM was trying to cover up....

A Powerpoint presentation included in the company’s consent agreement with NHTSA unveiled Friday shows the nation’s largest automaker told engineers to avoid terms both absurd and mundane for fear of e-mails leaking to the media or regulators. …

“Kevorkianesque,” apparently a reference to Jack Kevorkian, the doctor who claimed to have helped more than 130 patients commit euthanasia, was one of the presentation’s “judgment words” to be avoided. Others included: “apocalyptic,” “Band-Aid,” “Challenger,” “Cobain,” “Corvair-like,” “death trap,” “decapitating,” “disemboweling,” “genocide,” “grenadelike,” “Hindenberg,” “impaling,” “rolling sacrophagus (tomb or coffin),” “spontaneous combustion,” “Titanic,” “widow-maker” or “words or phrases with biblical connotation.”
10 years ago
true that
10 years ago
Had a great time squadding up with WebDBA11 and Evil-G-Ferret last night was hoping you might have room for one more. I was just recruited into RIZE but they only want me as commander. I would much prefer to be on the ground with some great players like you guys....
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
Granted SftFury is #25 in the world as a commander, I agree - kinda BS! I play as commander too (not that highly ranked) but only when I can't fire up console.
10 years ago
O.o That is fucked up
10 years ago
it was good playing against u guys today. Espechally on paracel storm. Hope to see u guys on the battlefield again soon!
10 years ago • 1 Like
We are Harmless Necrophilia and Just like high school we don't have many friends. There are only 4 in our platoon and it doesn't look promising that we will grow. So I Propose you absorb us. Play a couple matches see what were about? Only catch is its all four of us or none at all. Harmless Necrophilia {EBCk}
10 years ago • 1 Like
Sorry we have only a few rules for enrollment to Evil and this method does not adhere to them.
Nothing personal but good luck and happy hunting.
10 years ago
Kind of sad that we only can take the rank up to only ten?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Yeah I agree, what's the point. They need to make it a lot more like 100 or something.
10 years ago
We need to get some of the PS3 guys playing together. All of our ranking points are coming from the PS4 guys.
10 years ago
i like it... i guess us non prems cant join until later in march, but rest assured that your medic will be joining!!!!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Im not premium Gingy. Platoons are open to all!
10 years ago
Ohhh - new shiny place!!! pops open a beer and kicks back for some fun!
10 years ago • 2 likes
You bring the beer, I'll bring the scotch and bourbon. ; )
10 years ago
Kasion, sent a new member applicant. Leodude1998. Very solid player. Others that have played with the young would agree i hope.
10 years ago • 1 Like
I accepted his application. Everyone give him a warm welcome !
Welcome to Evil Leo !
11 years ago