Website: specialoperationstaskforce.weebly.com • Created: 2015-05-30

7,827 / 37,000

436h 33m
Special Operations Task Force is a Military Simulation clan, WE AIM TO ELIMINATE THE RUN AND GUN OF BATTLEFIELD 4, meaning that we utilize: military, police, and other MilSim unit tactics to outwit the enemy and achieve victory.

We also participate in war games with other MilSim units as well as conducting actual simulations; whether it be reenacting a famous battle or coming up with one of our own.

We practice in our units (Infantry, Armor, Air Force) but every member of SOTF is a Rifleman and in a designated fireteam and we follow the United States Marine Corps rank structure for Leadership and Organizational purposes. Note: not everything we do is USMC regulation, we have modified everything to better suit our specific needs on the Battlefield and within our Unit.

I won't make you salute me or any other officer in this clan, nor will I make you do push-ups (c'mon this is a video game played to have fun people) but we do expect a level of maturity and discipline when conducting any sort of MilSim (military Simulation) when in these simulations we expect orders to be followed. Our Leadership were chosen for a reason; You want a leadership role, You will earn it by displaying the attributes.

We've all been on that team that is just getting destroyed by their adversaries and it's no fun. Now is your chance to join them.

Our website is still under construction but has everything you need to get started in this clan. (video is in the making)
We do play other games together and we aren't all rules and regulations 24/7, we like to have fun just like the rest of you.

Those with previous MilSim and/or Actual Military experience please make note when contacting me.

If interested in learning more or joining SOTF Contact gr4ssmonkey or TGxTitan and follow further instructions.


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?