[BS] BattleStrats

Website: www.battlestrats.com • Created: 2014-02-27

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Who We Are ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
We are BattleStrats, a global community of gamers that like to have fun while playing the objective. If having a good time with new and old friends in a casual and competitive environment is what you're looking for, you've found the right place.

Our Objectives
• To provide you with a community of gamers at your disposal to play, laugh and learn from
• To give you all the tools and resources you need to become a better and more active player

✔ A willingness to play the objective with a natural desire to win
✔ Have a working, active mic without excessive feedback/background noise
✔ Be courteous and respectful to fellow members
✔ Stay active at least once every month either in-game or on Battlelog
✘ No boosting, cheating or giving yourself an unfair advantage

We have no K/D, Skill or W/L requirements to join our community!

BattleStrats Mumble VOIP Server
►Download Mumble at http://www.mumble.com [mumble.com] or iTunes/Google Play
►Label: BattleStrats
►Port: 6680
►Username: Your Desired User Name

Contact Us ✉ ☎
Website - http://www.BattleStrats.com [battlestrats.com]
Email - battlestrats.bf3@gmail.com
Private Member Forums (Email for Password)
http://www.battlestrats.com/forums/forum/250-battlestrats-bf3-clan [battlestrats.com]

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• Website - http://getbblog.com [getbblog.com]

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Hi there, is this platoon still a thing?
8 years ago • 0 Like
not very much : \
8 years ago
i hope so, any of you guys play on PC?
6 years ago
Whats up guys! I dont know if you remember from the good ol PS3 days, but I have moved on to the PC with BF4, BF3, BF1. I still play BF4 on PS4 too. So if any of you guys are still down to play add me and let's squad up!
6 years ago • 0 Like
PC (Origin)-YetiMachete
PSN- YetiScourge
6 years ago
So...this game still exists. As most of us move onto other games and experiences, I suggest we plan another "BattleStrats Friday Night" and see if we can get a squad together for some fun. Nothing serious, just grab a beer and your DualShock 4. Anyone interested?
9 years ago • 1 Like
Anyone on to approve an application that I submitted?
9 years ago • 1 Like
On Battlefield 3's platoon there were multiple admins who could approve you, but on Battlefield 4's platoon Holmboy79 is the only admin, and he likely has not logged into Battlelog in some time.
9 years ago
Sorry about that, you're now in. Keep forgetting that this game exists after all of the frustration with it over the years.
9 years ago
Looking to play BF:H with people on PS4! Give me a shout if you're interested
9 years ago • 0 Like
mlgkillzone it wont let me accept sry this is the only way to tell you
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey im on xbox one plz send me afriend invite or leave me ur GT and ill add ya
Im on xbox 1
9 years ago • 1 Like
selling ps4 for xbox ill add you XD
9 years ago
Like this or comment if you are back full swing for battlefield hardline.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Clan battle perhaps ?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Battlefield 4 'Fall Patch' Out Today. Tweaks to weapon sighting, player movement, a more streamlined HUD, improvements to player revival and a new emphasis on teamplay: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/09/30/battlefield-4-fall-patch-out-today [ign.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
you guys interested in 12vs12 or 15vs15 conquest small?
10 years ago • 1 Like
Unfortunately, our Platoons interest in this game is at an all-time low. We're becoming more of a casual platoon as collective interest in BF4 wanes. Thanks though.
10 years ago
Hey guys, I'm an acquaintance of myelencephalous. I know how big of a platoon you guys are and wanted to stop by and invite you guys to a tournament that is being hosted on a website I manage. We just opened it up for registration (website is still being worked out but you can register for the tournament at this time). There is no entry fee, but there is a $50 1st place prize and a $20 2nd place prize. Its CQL 24v24 /32v32 + Commander. Hope to see yall register! To check up or more details or register your team go to www.eyesonobjective.com
10 years ago • 0 Like
yo guys ESU here, we have to get together and get a friendly scrim ;) add me PSN BATTLEFIELD12344
10 years ago • 0 Like
FInally realised they have added BF4 ps4 platoons. :D But yeh feel free to add me on psn i play on EU servers useally, but not sure if i can play on some US servers too or does the latency get me.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Or is this universal Platoon well anyways.
10 years ago
So just so im clear, we don't need a activation code right? cus if I cant get into the beta im gonna screeaaaaam
10 years ago • 0 Like
yes you will need a code from a pre-order (gamestop, amazon) unless you pre-ordered from the PSN store, in which case you should be able to preload
10 years ago
Please join me in welcoming 7xImYouRdEatHx7 (PS4 - http://ow.ly/zeEtw [ow.ly] ) to BattleStrats! He's a brand new member to our community and is on PS4, so feel free to make some space in your Battlelog and PSN lists and add him in! Thanks!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Please join me in welcoming AdamNowiaszewski (PS3 - http://ow.ly/zeEhF [ow.ly] ) to BattleStrats! He's a brand new member to our community and is on PS3, so feel free to make some space in your Battlelog and PSN lists and show him how we do this!!! Thanks!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Well I've downloaded Dragon's Teeth three times now, the last time I downloaded and reinstalled the entire game and still I can't play it. That Destiny beta is looking better and better every second. Commentary on Thursday!!!!
10 years ago • 0 Like
The straw that broke Wojo's back...and the Angel of Destiny who whisked him away...The Destiny Beta will be a blast, can't wait to start playing!
10 years ago
Please join me in welcoming Lvl_Asian9 (PS4 - http://ow.ly/z1z00 [ow.ly] ) to the BattleStrats BF4 Platoon! He's an existing member of our community from BF3 on PS3 and finally got a PS4, so feel free to make some space in your Battlelog and PSN lists and add him in. Woot!
10 years ago • 2 likes