[ABN] Asshole By Nature

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Website: www.mememaker.net/static/images/memes/3453003.jpg • Created: 2014-11-14

5,080,597 / 3,306,000

2009h 30m
\\\A message to the people who apply - You must have at least a 1.0 kdr and also show how good your skills by killing at least 15+ kills in a match and in them 15+ kills you must have more kills then deaths to apply. So add the division leaders on PSN or in our servers. Make an effort to join games they play because we are not going to come behind you to see how good you are. If you are joining the platoon play together with your team not against(even though its fun when your going against your rival buddy xp), communication is key in every battle so HEADSET IS A MUST. So show me that u are worthy of carrying the ABN on your back. Make an effort to join our games and squad up with us.

P.S. We love taken tags..ABN style XD


just applied/ I always try to play with beth and doc/ look at my stats and my profile
7 years ago • 0 Like
hey beth. will you accept my request? Fallen3939
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry I just saw this message now ;) Didn't even know this existed ...hey fallen :D
8 years ago
Beth can you ket me in so i can apply tags. Or unoman.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Can someone let me in that clan please...
Game name devil2724
9 years ago • 0 Like
Pussy by nature more like. Looks like a bunch of gays mincing around a battlefield with overpowered weapons and no true skill. You're so weak you make a puddle look like cement.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hardline is garbage if you havent played the beta. The modes are cool and interesting. Just kinda sluggish when playing. You guys picking up this crap?
10 years ago • 1 Like
not thinking about picking up the beta at least...maybe when the full game is out but it doesn't appeal much to me to be honest.
10 years ago
flc i applied your platoon ,am sure you got my vote.
9 years ago
This is Munkiedad. Always fun playin' with ya'll. Lets see what we can do as a crew... ;) (hint: take more tags!)
10 years ago • 2 likes