[PBOW] Pe Bow

Created: 2015-05-08

35,756 / 72,000

797h 19m

Formed in the early 21st century, P.BOW was created for the sole purpose of embarrassing the masses with its talented archery skills. When faced with high caliber weaponry P.BOW has fended off countless foes with nothing more than bent metal and a string.

If you think you have what it takes please feel free to apply.

If you feel more inclined to test our wit, please post a challenge on our public chat feed.


can you accept my request to join
6 months ago • 0 Like
Is it fine to join the platoon, just switched from PS3 and I could use a good PS4 platoon.
9 years ago • 0 Like
from what ive seen from a couple of your clan members and being an adim on a pbow server it seems a lot of this clan plays on its own servers where they make the rules I have never seen a pbow member play a server that wasn't own by them. on the severs that xx_dazed_xx owns which is a pbow sniper, and pbow semiauto pistol, he has the rules set so it favors the bow. for instance on the sniper sever snipers have to use a six time zoom scope but the bow has iron sights now you might think this is fair, but I was an adim and everyone complied about this saying it gives the bow the advantage in CQB which it does, favoring the bow im just saying if your gonna say this is a good weapon get out of your own severs against a full team of auto rifles and what not and prove it to me where anything goes not this fucking rigged matches.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Best Damn PBOW Platoon on PS4!
9 years ago • 4 likes
Hell yea it is!!
9 years ago
Great group of people, helped me get the tag that I've been looking for.
9 years ago • 2 likes
Thanks mate!!
9 years ago
big shout out to chef don,helped a few us get our phantom bow.thanks dude
9 years ago • 1 Like
No problem g !!
9 years ago