[ST9] Seal Team 9

  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader
Created: 2015-10-22

10,657 / 12,000

31h 44m
Seal Team 9 : Is Made up of Assault/Snipers/ Aircraft Unit. We are a platoon that operate these Units effectivily. Our Captain is Mortem Umbris, We are looking for recruits who will start out as a Petty Officer- work your way up to Master Chief. Our Officers there are only select few with the highest officer rank you can reach is Commander O-5 there are only 2 Captains who are in charge of two different Units but apart of the same Platoon. Our Server is the RUSH- Hardcore server by DICE! Interested Contact Mortem Umbris thats his gamertag


Heavy Resistance is looking for people who like playing as a squad, simple call outs, playing the odjectives and using team work to beat the opponent team. if you are interested visit hrxbox.com to apply.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Heavy Resistance is looking for people who like playing as a squad, simple call outs, playing the odjectives and using team work to beat the opponent team. if you are interested visit hrxbox.com to apply.
9 years ago
Join Seal Team 9!! We are a RUSH Platoon
9 years ago • 0 Like
Heavy Resistance is looking for people who like playing as a squad, simple call outs, playing the odjectives and using team work to beat the opponent team. if you are interested visit hrxbox.com to apply.
9 years ago