[pTs] PReDaToRs

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Website: www.facebook.com/primaryterminationskills • Created: 2014-02-27

11,710,076 / 3,306,000

4211h 28m
We came to hunt you down !!!


All of the pretenders that want to join our pack/platoon need to agree to follow our three platoon rules : 1. When in-game, ALWAYS be on the Team Speak channel of PReDaToRs/Battlefield 4 PREMIUM ! 2. Always wear pTs platoon tag on your soldier and set as active platoon PReDaToRs ! 3. We play ONLY HARDCORE, we are advanced PReDaToRs and we DO NOT need any help from the developers of this game to hunt down our enemies ! All of the pretenders should add and speak with someone of the founders about their entrance in our guild ! Good Luck !
7 years ago • 1 Like
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10 years ago • 3 likes
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Become the MONSTER ! Join our platoon and become one of the PReDaToRs - team speak talkers, always in action while in-game ! Official language is English and we are International Platoon from Switzerland, Finland, England/UK, France, Croatia, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, Ukraine, South Africa and maybe even more countries. We love to have fun together, like a team. Most of us are mature people willing to kill more enemies and put them on their knees. Most of us are from Europe and like to play mostly on servers from Germany, Poland, England or France. We play Conquest Large the most. The three platoon rules force everyone of our 70+ members platoon to play and bond with the rest of the platoon. Discipline is the key to our team work and our three rules are the spine of our community.

My own game style is to hide spawn beacon behind enemy lines and lead my squad in to the most tension areas to cripple enemy lines and prevent them to achieve victory. My primary weapon is M4( http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_weapon_m4 [bf4stats.com] ) My second gadget is C4( http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_weapon_c4-explosive?start=100 [bf4stats.com] ), this is my second best weapon( http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_ribbon_r40 [bf4stats.com] ). I am very sneaky and one of top 50 recons in the world of Battlefield4 PC http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_kit_recon?start=50 [bf4stats.com] and can get you anywhere.

https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/980518_1192158164145447_3735399001615986041_o.jpg [scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net]

PReDaToRs has been found back in 2006 at Lineage2 Chronicles3 game, we moved to a lot of games trough the years.

A perfect member would be loyal to me and the rest of the PReDaToRs members. Member must respect every other member opinion and behave. To join Team Speak while in-game every time, to wear pTs tag on soldier and play Hardcore is a must.

Team Speak : Server - ts.iPlay.bg / Channel - PReDaToRs / Sub-Channel - Battlefield4 PREMIUM / password - ask 6thSense

ACTIVE MEMEBRS : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/3415182973902200093/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PrimaryTerminationSkills [steamcommunity.com]

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PrimaryTerminationSkills [facebook.com]

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VTmRQYlnUfgQI-gfD0AKw/videos [youtube.com]

Forums : http://predators.guildmmorpg.com/ [predators.guildmmorpg.com]

ESL : http://www.esl.eu/eu/team/8495506/ [esl.eu]

http://i63.servimg.com/u/f63/13/03/24/03/pts_lo11.gif [i63.servimg.com]

TeamSpeak3 IP : ts.iplay.bg ; Channel : PReDaToRs (password: ask 6thSensePReDaToR).
We have 3 rules :
1. Stay with pTs tag and set PReDaToRs platoon as active !
2. Be on Team Speak channel while in-game, if you dont you will be warned twice before kick !
3. Play Hardcore together with your squad/s !

https://youtu.be/F0D4MD55B5Q [youtu.be]
8 years ago • 1 Like
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Recruiting with 4 simple rules (to get recruited contact the platoon founder) :
1. Use headset (headphones+microphone);
2. Always wear your pTs tag;
3. While in-game, always stay in our TeamSpeak channel, if not comfortable speaking - mute your microphone and listen the team tactics of the other PReDaToRs to dominate and overcome the enemy;
4. Play only Hardcore to avoid seeing everyones marks and avoid the damage regeneration for better Battlefield4 experience.
9 years ago • 3 likes
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Ами влез при нас и почвай да убиваш с нас :)
9 years ago
Можели иаз преди се отказах но сега съм готов ?
8 years ago
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http://g.bf4stats.com/bfstatcard/pc/6thSensePReDaToR.png [g.bf4stats.com]

http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_weapon_m4 [bf4stats.com]
http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_ribbon_r40 [bf4stats.com]
http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_kit_recon?start=50 [bf4stats.com]
http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_weapon_c4-explosive?start=150 [bf4stats.com]

I am recruiting :

Become the MONSTER ! Join our platoon and become one of the PReDaToRs - team speak talkers almost all the time in action ! Languages are English, or Bulgarian and we are International Platoon from Switzerland, Finland, England, France, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, U.S.A. , South Africa and maybe even more countries. We love to have fun together, like a team. Most of us are mature people willing to kill more enemies and put them on their knees. Most of us are from Germany, or Europe and like to play mostly on servers from Germany, Poland, England or France.

My own game style is to hide spawn beacon behind enemy lines and lead my squad in to the most tension areas to cripple enemy lines and prevent them to achieve victory. My second gadget is C4, this is my second best weapon. I am very sneaky and one of top 30 recons in the world of Battlefield4 PC http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_kit_recon [bf4stats.com] and can get you anywhere.

https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/980518_1192158164145447_3735399001615986041_o.jpg [scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net]

PReDaToRs has been found back in 2006 at Lineage2 Chronicles3 game, we moved to a lot of games trough the years.

A perfect member would be loyal to me and the rest of the PReDaToRs members. Member must respect every other member opinion and behave. To join Team Speak while in-game every time, to wear pTs tag on soldier and play Hardcore is a must.

Team Speak : Server - ts.iPlay.bg / Channel - PReDaToRs / Sub-Channel - Battlefield4 PREMIUM / password - ask 6thSense

ACTIVE MEMEBRS : http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/3415182973902200093/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PrimaryTerminationSkills [steamcommunity.com]

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PrimaryTerminationSkills [facebook.com]

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VTmRQYlnUfgQI-gfD0AKw/videos [youtube.com]

Forums : http://predators.guildmmorpg.com/ [predators.guildmmorpg.com]

ESL : http://www.esl.eu/eu/team/8495506/ [esl.eu]

http://i63.servimg.com/u/f63/13/03/24/03/pts_lo11.gif [i63.servimg.com]

TeamSpeak3 IP : ts.iplay.bg ; Channel : PReDaToRs (password: ask 6thSensePReDaToR).
We have 3 rules :
1. Stay with pTs tag
2. Be on TS while in-game
3. Play Hardcore !
8 years ago • 0 Like
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Watch after 01:09:25

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEbqblv0jWc [youtube.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
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CONGRATULATIONS ! we now have more than 2000 hours playing together as PReDaToRs platoon members !
http://i51.tinypic.com/349bgiw.gif [i51.tinypic.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
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Ако си енергичен, приказлив и обичаш да играеш с други, да печелиш игрите, не следиш много убийства/умиранията си, а по-скоро се вълнуваш от това как да помогнеш на съотборниците си да достигнете една и съща цел, ако си лоялен и съвестен спрямо съотборниците си, ако обичаш да се забавляваш и да вихрите луд купон над мизерията на противника, ако цениш само своята игра и играта на съотборниците си значи си за нас. Набираме играчи със следните 3 условия :
1. Играй и носи pTs таг-а ни с гордост - той значи първични Термични умения и е символ на хищниците PReDaToRs;
2. По време на игра винаги стой в разговора ни в Тийм Спийк канала на хищниците PReDaToRs в очакване на включване от други съотборници;
3. Играеш само истинския жанр на Бойно поле 4 Battlefield4 Hardcore.
9 years ago • 10 likes
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http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494183354334/1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/2381cba7-3a69-4bdc-9257-da645bdc69d6/PReDaToRs-Playground-NO-RULES-HC-GUN-Master-by-4Netplayers/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

New Bulgarian Hardcore server of PReDaToRs platoon http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/3415182973902200093/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Become the MONSTER, Join our platoon and become one of the PReDaToRs - 55 active members and team speak talkers almost all the time in action !

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PrimaryTerminationSkills [facebook.com]

Forums : http://predators.guildmmorpg.com/ [predators.guildmmorpg.com]

Everyday Server Feedback Announcements !

http://i63.servimg.com/u/f63/13/03/24/03/pts_lo11.gif [i63.servimg.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
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hi all predator your friend list is full
9 years ago • 0 Like
Try again !
9 years ago
thx bro
9 years ago
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6thSensePReDaToR your friends list is full
8 years ago • 0 Like
Yeah, a lot of people are my friends. Do you agree to follow our three platoon rules if join ?
I welcome you to join the PReDaToRs clan and participate in our usual team talk on our TeamSpeak at ts.iplay.bg Channel : PReDaToRs ; Sub-channel Battlefield4 PREMIUM. If you join the PReDaToRs we can comment tactics in-game and dominate ALL ! :) Consider your invitation at PReDaToRs Platoon. But be aware, we have 3 strict rules : 1. To always be in our TeamSpeak channel while you play; 2. To wear our pTs clan/team/platoon tag all the time; 3. We play only Hardcore. My tactics are to go aggressive recon, I usualy lead my squad and set hidden spawn beacons. My best weapons are M4 and C4. We play for fun, but we also have our own Facebook page, own web site/forum, own badges (if you agree to pay the post taxes) and even an ESL registration (we never participated yet). http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/3415182973902200093/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] http://predators.guildmmorpg.com/ [predators.guildmmorpg.com] https://www.facebook.com/PrimaryTerminationSkills [facebook.com]
8 years ago
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Hi everyone.

Putting together a frag movie from my recordings the last few weeks.
It is my first one, and i dont have any pro programs or any help. Could need a introduction, some one here good at this?
i called it "Armored Vehicle Frenzy"
Some of you guys are in it, and some TS speak.
Hope you guys like it! Adding the link to Youtube as comment

8 years ago • 0 Like
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKffnwd3JU4 [youtube.com]
9 years ago • 1 Like
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Team work is the main goal in this game and only newbies cant get it :)
8 years ago
In this Clan teamplay means baserape so watch out do not fall for this RAPER CLAN
8 years ago
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http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_kit_recon?start=200 [bf4stats.com] 6thSensePReDaToR is recon kit in the Wooorld #205
9 years ago • 0 Like
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Do you like the new look of our PReDaToRs platoon new emblem ?
8 years ago • 0 Like
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6thSensePReDaToR you're such a coward, not only that you cheat used yet you steal my avatar
You are simply to make thee to thy stupid specially Avatar! Hahaha ...
You stupid Antisocial Child, Typically Bulgaria Cowardly people
The day will come even when you will Banned for your cheaters !!!
On the day you are going to Bulgaria you hear fig rat my laughter!

6thSensePReDaToR is a Cheater !!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=6thSensePReDaToR&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

Pretorian-Fin- is a Cheater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=Pretorian-Fin-&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

This is a Cheater Platoon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 years ago
Bulgaria and Russia is the same, both wannabe players cheat wherever they can
8 years ago
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4 [en.wikipedia.org] The first real PReDaToR !
9 years ago • 0 Like
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http://www.party-deko-shop.de/images/produkte/1963-1234500192-Zahlen50.jpg [party-deko-shop.de]
Who will be our 50 PReDaToRs platoon member ?
9 years ago • 0 Like
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http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg82/Squidpup/Copyof3000000letsParty_zps181ae175.jpg:original [i246.photobucket.com]
CONGRATULATIONS ! More than 3 000 000 points made by PReDaToRs !
9 years ago • 0 Like
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vasooo98 you no have balls you say as val is op and make lame stats and RUN from server. You no have honour kid.
9 years ago • 0 Like
What happened ?
9 years ago
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