[ECCK] EastCoastCasualKillers

  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
Created: 2014-02-27

35,290 / 90,000

983h 15m
Just a bunch of guys having some fun !!!!!!! Hey, digital ammo is a lot cheaper then real ammo...lol


Welcome to all friends and new comers!!!!
10 years ago • 1 Like
I Applied !
10 years ago
Me too!
8 years ago
On this day February 23, 2016 I regret to inform you all that we have lost a very close friend, an (ECCK) member "Holstereddrop91" I'm sure many of the other Leaders from the platoon might know him personally a lot more than myself but I sure have also lost a best friend today. I met Holstereddrop91 while playing BF3 on his server, then which was 24/7 Firestorm. I met him while being his gunner in the Attack Helicopter. Once we became friends we put in several hundreds of hours together on BF3 and then moved from Xbox 360's to Xbox Ones and BF4 together. I have just reached just over 1300 hours myself on BF4 which means myself and Holstereddrop91 probably played 1000 hours together on BF4. Holstereddrop91 was not only a great friend to look forward to playing with on a daily basis but a squad member, a great squad leader, a great communicator, a great platoon leader and most importantly a great server owner. Holstereddrop91 had 4,107 hours invested into BF4. With that he brought his team this: a score of 75,575,154 Total Kills 94,497 Squad Score 5,412,980 Favorite Gun the DBV-12 with 20,571 Kills Favorite Gadget UCAV 19,905 Kills 823 Conquest Stars JUST TO NAME A FEW OF HIS AWSOME STATS!!!!! Last logged in to Battle log on 2/19/16.
9 years ago • 4 likes
Hey if you guys have friends that are dedicated to BF4 please invite them and message me on xbox so I can approve them!!! We will be getting a new Battlefied game in 11 months (November 2016) so lets close out BF4 strong and start next years new game even stronger thanks guys !!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey, so me and my guys last night were enjoying some 400% metro, kept getting killed by your friend Lord Krushr because of his airburst, and simply invited him into our party to ask him A. Why he uses it so much and B. How does he use it so well considering it isn't a direct impact weapon. Before we even had the chance he began informing us we needed to have the perk flak jacket and then told us to check out out stats. Proceeding that he informed us they we were not good, we were unranked, and not worth his time. But we all beg to differ. So, if you choose, my buddies here at Hand Of God would like to call you out to a game of Battlefield. Circumstances can be discussed at a later time but we ask it be 6v6. Please leave a comment on our platoon feed if you all are willing to go to war. Thank you, and as always, have a good day or PTFO.
9 years ago • 1 Like