[BHG] Battle Hardened Gamers

  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
Created: 2014-02-28

11,910,599 / 3,306,000

4989h 5m
We are a group of gamers that like to have fun!

Senior Admins: NiNjA_DooDLEs, 0Scruffy_Wolf0, Mafia69za, |-SirWookie-|

Find us on TeamSpeak: cptts.gameservers.com:9513
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BattleHardenedGamersza [facebook.com]
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1465725897010999/profile_completion/ [facebook.com]

General Rules of Engagement for Battle Hardened Gamers Members

☞ No Hacking, Exploiting or Macros allowed what so ever.

☞ No admin abuse (TeamSpeak or Game Servers)

☞ No spam/swearing/slandering/name calling in game chat (Public, Friendlies or official DGL matches) Offenders will be suspended, second offense will lead to a kick.

☞ No slandering of the DGL in ANY shape or form. If you have an issue with DGL, discuss it with your clan admins. Any public slandering of the DGL will lead to suspension, a repeat offense will lead to a kick.

☞ All Admins, Team Captains and Players (Public or Friendly) shall be treated with respect! Players whom fail to adhere shall be suspended, second offence will lead to a kick.


☞ All teams will practice at least 2 days a week (days may differ from team to team)

☞ Players MUST be on TS at least 15 minutes before the practice time.

☞ Players whom fail to attend practice without good reason shall be suspended, second offence shall lead to a kick.

☞ Players whom cannot attend practice with good reason must inform their Team Captain one day in advance.


YO guys

if you guys are looking for a server to play on you welcome to come and play on

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/4998c184-b2b2-4fb2-8ddb-738315bdac7f/JMS-LOCKER-HARDCORE-3200-TICKETS-NO-RULES/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

everyone welcome...xD!!
7 years ago • 0 Like
halooooo any body home
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hey BHG guys,I wanted to know if you removed your server permanently?
8 years ago • 1 Like
Hey BHG, have you guys removed your server? Temp or perm?
8 years ago • 0 Like
I Would also like to knw that .. BHG was like the best server
8 years ago
yeah same I really liked playing on their server
8 years ago
hi i just want to ask why am i baned ? . it says that i am not a bhg member but i was 2 years ago then left pc and came back now but changed my name . can any one please help me .
8 years ago • 0 Like
I just really want to ask why have i been kicked 5 times for using explosives if i clearly was not using them i have smoke grenades equipped i have video proof of this pleas let me know
8 years ago • 0 Like
We will look into it WARHOG
8 years ago
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to say I was being a dickhead on the server now now. I do apologise.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys i am very sorry for my behavior on your server i will never do it again.Thanks Charlas
8 years ago • 1 Like
Apology accepted Charlas, probation won't be a problem right?
8 years ago
Good Day Battle Hardened Gamers,

Can admin please except me, I have requested to join the best clan I have found...

8 years ago • 1 Like
Hello Razor, sorry for the delayed response will speak to the founders
8 years ago
Hi BHG i have a brilliants suggestion.. Get the team scramble plugin for lockers server it is always a unfair and unbalanced game PLEASE GET IS
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi there very late reply. We did have problems with the plugins on our servers. We have fixed the problem now, but feel free to contact me if you have any issues. Kind Regards Mafia69za
8 years ago
Hi Guys, Just would like to share an experience i just had on your server. another chap -Vn-Viro was making snyde remarks about my platoon and how we play. we are all here to play and enjoy ourselves and the individual only made these comments within the squad chat and to me seemed cowardly and unsporty.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Mal Koppies I will investigate and come back you on the matter. Please add my on battlelog. Kind Regards Mafia69za
8 years ago
Wanted Proof that Cl3anKill is a hacker, well here it is

https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/Cl3anKill [247fairplay.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey Iceman sorry for the late reply, I will investigate and deal with the matter. Will come back to you. Kind Regards Mafia69za
8 years ago
Spartan D3mon got your request but your list is full.

Greetings cyberblade101
8 years ago • 0 Like
Kicked for Disrespecting admin ?????

Yet all i said was admin doing what he does best swooping teams and putting DGL fags one on side ????

WTF ???

Yes the truth is a hard pill to swallow
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Guys,
So tonight I was told I was kicked from the clan, because I disrespected Ninja_DooDLEs...
Now I don't even know what I said to cause him to feel like that, but I don't know about you guys, but if you have a problem with someone, you man up and speak to them directly. Don't go hide behind your clan, this is not the first grade. If a leader has to resort to such childish manners, he doesn't deserve respect, not only from me, but also not from his peers.
Respect is earned, not granted because you are a founder.

That said, I know what to expect next, since you obviously don't believe in democracy and freedom of speech, I will most likely get the "banhammer", because I had the audacity to tell someone what they really are... If Ninja_DooDLE's had such a problem with whatever it was that I said, then he should have contacted me directly and made his case.

Now I have spent many hours on the BHG server, making many friends and most of them enjoyed my company. If you had any sense of leadership, then ask the rest of your clan (not just your admin buddies), if whatever it is that I said to disrespect you, they feel is enough reason to kick me from the clan. Let's see if you have the balls to do that?
8 years ago • 0 Like
Oh, and if you want to contact me, my email is dharmse@gmail.com.
8 years ago
So I apologise, Demonblade made it sound to me it was Ninja_Doodles that had a problem with me. In fact, it's not him at all, its Demonblade himself. Now I can in all honesty admit that I dont respect him. Basically because he doesn't deserve it. He tries to use his influence as an admin to win games. When he is online, the really act like he is the boss of this game, like a preschool child who tries to be the "boss of the game".

He always complains in the rush games if the defending team flanks and kills him from behind. He cannot understand that it is part of the strategy of winning the game.

So, now that I know for a fact that it was him who acted so childish, I really insist that one, a vote of all the BHG members must be put in place to see two things, should I really be kicked because I say to someone who acts like a child, that he is acting like a child, and two, should someone of such low stature be allowed to be an admin????

Man the hell up you pathetic little person. YOU will NEVER have my respect. You don't deserve it.
8 years ago
Hey guys. Most of you BHG dudes know me as I play on your server quite often. Tonight I got a temp ban stated reason: spamming grenades. I was throwing flashbangs and might have killed someone with it. Is that not allowed? You guys know I never kill with explosives since I started playing on this server like last year. Please can you clarify what I did wrong? Thanks. Lyl1nho_25
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey man. Just had a chat with the other BHG admins and non of us saw your post. I apologize for that. Saw you on the server last night, so I gather everything is fine now? We have an idea the flashbang ban is a fairfight ban. One of our members got the same ban a few nights ago. Maybe try to contact me or Ninja_Doodles directly in the future if you have any problems on our server. Cheers
9 years ago
9 years ago • 1 Like
my new sniper video is up pleas go look ; ) <3 <3 <3 <3
https://youtu.be/9DpUsL9YNS8 [youtu.be]
9 years ago • 2 likes
Mlg pro :P
Awesome sniping
9 years ago
Hi guys!

The Side effect of the server refresh is its lost as your favourite. Here are the links again

BHG 24/7 Hardcore Lockers- No Explosives/Mixed Modes
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/c50d23d1-b519-40f3-a4f7-fcc7bb4875ce/BHG-24-7-Hardcore-Lockers-No-Explosives-Mixed-Modes/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

BHG 24/7 Normal Lockers - No Explosives/Mixed Modes
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/6acbbf52-8bca-498a-bc76-f44d15392162/BHG-24-7-Normal-Lockers-No-Explosives-Mixed-Modes/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

BHG 24/7 Domination - No Explosives
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/e91b8c83-10c4-4259-b264-38dd06703525/BHG-24-7-Domination-No-Explosives/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

BHG Training Server
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/739fa6d9-ea3b-47ce-a5c5-811461371f53/BHG-Training-Server/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

9 years ago • 1 Like