[VBK] Community

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Website: www.virtualbornkillers.ch • Created: 2014-02-27

4,594,664 / 3,306,000

2162h 28m
                                                        WELCOME TO THE HOME                                                        
                                                         VIRTUAL BORN KILLERS

Willkommen Bei dem=VBK=Virtual Born Killers- Tactical Gaming Platoon

=VBK= Clan stellt sich vor

A Hardcore Multi Gaming Clan Since 2008
=VBK=Clan ist auf der Suche nach Verstärkung.

Aber ich mochte uns gern einmal Vorstellen:

Der =VBK= Virtual Born Killers Clan sucht aktive Member die eine Gemeinschaft suchen wo das gutes Miteinander im Vordergrund steht, die aber gerne auch Wars und Liga mit zocken wollen.

Natürlich geht bei uns das Real-Life vor aber ein Clan lebt von der Aktivität seiner Member, daher verlangen wir Aktivität im Forum, im TS und auf unseren Gameservern und bei Wars. Dazu solltest du gepflegte Umgangsformen besitzen und Respekt gegenüber den eigenen Clan-Membern und darüber hinaus solltest du natürlich mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.

Als Clan bieten wir euch eine lockere und lustige Gemeinschaft, eine Homepage mit Forum, einen Teamspeak 3 Server, sowie mehrere Gameserver.*
Finanziert wird das ganze durch Spenden oder Clangebühren.

Solltest DU dich nun angesprochen fühlen und in den =VBK= Clan hinein schnuppern wollen, besuch uns auf unserer Homepage http://www.virtualbornkillers.ch [virtualbornkillers.ch] und bewirb dich im Forum.

Folgende Dinge setzen wir voraus:
- Teamfähigkeit
- Freundliches Miteinander
- Teamspeak³ mit einem Funktionierenden Headset
- Aktivität
- 18+

Spiele die wir Spielen:
Counter-Strike Source
League of Legends
Battlefield 3
Grid 2
Farcry 3
Medal of Honor
Wir nehmen auch gerne weitere Games mit in den Clan auf.

Was wir euch bieten können:
-Teamspeak³ Server mit 500 Slots
-Ein Freundliches miteinander


http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/01b682ab-20b4-463c-8dd9-ac7853071beb/01-VBK-Virtual-Born-Killers-Votemap-Hardcore-60Hz/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/7abbd5f2-1309-4afd-97b5-e9040f72ca01/02-VBK-Virtual-Born-Killers-Shanghai-24-7-Hardcore-60-Hz/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/01b682ab-20b4-463c-8dd9-ac7853071beb/01-VBK-Virtual-Born-Killers-Votemap-Hardcore-60Hz/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/611f55e6-69de-4e45-886d-5ae66ee25b95/04-VBK-Virtual-Born-Killers-Dice-LA-Camo/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/55272ba8-db22-48cd-83bc-3eb4d3680b65/05-VBK-Virtual-Born-Killers-Air-Superiority-HC-60Hz/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


http://www.virtualbornkillers.ch [virtualbornkillers.ch] http//www.virtualbornkillers.de

Ban Apeal Admin :http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/VDX_Iznogoud/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Wir würden uns sehr auf einen Gästebuch Eintrag freuen, oder das ihr mal bei uns auf dem Teamspeak³ Server vorbeischaut und eine Runde mit uns Spielt.

Mfg =VBK=Virtual Born Killers

Team Speak-3

Wir Suchen Member Ab.18



3 years ago • 0 Like
hi all pls join our community
https://steamcommunity.com/groups/WorldWar3CommunityEU [steamcommunity.com]
6 years ago • 0 Like
You should learn to compare yourself with people.
Poor and incapable!
Go take care of yourself!
6 years ago • 0 Like
Good day community member as you know we have not had a bf4 server for a long time
an outrageous
just created a server with the name VBK. This server has nothing to do with our clan

Please do not join or play on it

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/96d1cefe-1e7f-4aa0-80c9-9f738fdb8149/02-VBK-Virtual-Born-Killers-Shanghai-24-7-Hardcore-60Hz/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
7 years ago • 1 Like
Hello dear community I wish you All happy new year 2018
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hello dear Community member

We would like to thank all players.

Who have played on our Shangai server.

We would have to cancel because of Admin lack our server.

Thanks to EA who still gave so many hacker in BF4. and to players who have cheered our server

Dear Community, we will surely meet again

Soon comes BF5 and will be VBK-Clan ready

Thanks to you all
7 years ago • 1 Like
Hello dear community
We must unfortunately announce that we our BF4 server from 11.September

We would like to thank everyone and hope that we will meet again in another game

Many Thanks
7 years ago • 0 Like
Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: aimbot metabans

what a poor mad noob!!!!!!!
7 years ago • 1 Like
uuuhm, guys, you've just banned me, though i didn't shoot C
come on, i'm a regualr on your server, i know the rules :)
7 years ago • 0 Like
Umm...Ain't this awkward... WaLa3at banned me for hacking,while I was playing with Taiwan in my squad,and he can hopefully verify that I am clean:/...
7 years ago • 0 Like
I have already made sort of an appeal on your website but I would like to resolve this as quickly as possible. Thanks
7 years ago
I spook with Walabat.........Unbanned
7 years ago
Hello Anarchie i got banned by Taiwan-Sun.. He did baserape to me wıth atack heli,and i tell his somethınk about rules..(Here rules only for admins not anythınkelse) some conversation more we has and ı got ban.. ı am playıng on thıs server about 1 year usuly i helped admins on here always and i thought we friendly here but today ı saw someone dont thınk such.. i am writing here u should see there is no Just. Thanks
7 years ago • 0 Like
1- it was not baserape
2- "your chatlot" "Taiwan cunt,coward,"
8 hours banned
Best regards
7 years ago
I fotgot your baserape that u have confirmed.
You dont help any admin here...u can only say "Taiwan kick this and kick that for nothing,we dont kick or ban people on your request cause u want to fly alone,when sombody gets gunner's let him play and dont fly alone as u do.
And that language u must use it with your friend.
Best regars
7 years ago
To all who still use it as a clan tag VBK!
It is Last Warning Pls Rmove VBK from your Battlelog
8 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
Ein herzliches Hallo an alle VBK. Super organisierter Clan! MFG SHC
9 years ago • 0 Like