[SFOD] 1st SFOD- Delta

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Created: 2014-06-02

53,626 / 90,000

688h 26m
(SFOD) 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment- Delta

>Recruiting for BF1, BF4 and BFH on PS4.
>Clan Tag= Mandatory!
>Microphone= Mandatory!
>Team Play and PTFO= Mandatory!
>Participation on, and Administration of our Servers= Required!
>Ramping up for BF5!

Our History

SFOD was founded in the late 90's by Racr-X (Now Co1dR3ign) and X-Racr. We started gaming on PC at the time Half-Life and Team Fortress Classic were released. From there we moved into Counter-Strike. We were beta testers for Delta-Force Black Hawk Down and Delta Force Xtreme and were ranked among the top players in the world at the time we left those games. We been a factor in the entire Battlefield series to include Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Bad Company, and Battlefield 3. Once the hacking became so bad on PC we transitioned over to the PlayStation console and are now playing Battlefield 4, Hardline, and Battlefield 1! Do not get left behind!


If you are interested in joining SFOD here are some things you need to know. You are required to have a working headset and microphone. Communication is the key to success. We are looking for like minded members who aggressively PTFO, play as one unit, and gets along with all our members. If admitted you will enjoy the benefits of being a part of a close knit bunch of solid gamers! You could be our next recruit!

We have some junior members. Some of us have kids who play, 13+. They are very good as well and mature enough not to rub anyone the wrong way. We keep them in check when they are on. Respect our junior members or hit the road!

Contact any of the leadership team if interested. My PSN is "Co1dR3ign_".

Mission Statement

Our mission is to combine as many like minded skilled players as possible to create one strong fighting regiment.


Ramping up for BATTLEFIELD 1! We are going to hit it hard! Do not be left behind!
8 years ago • 0 Like