[SM] Selendang Merah

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Website: www.facebook.com/groups/1545784142313284/?fref=ts • Created: 2014-03-05

104,250 / 121,000

856h 52m
Like to play in a team? Like to make friends while having fun gaming? SO JOIN US!

We welcome all gamers regardless of nationality. All of us are casual gamers who like to have tons of fun and make more friends along the way. No requirements needed, but players who are not tied to any platoon are encouraged to join.

We use Razercomms for crystal clear voice communications. Small file size and very easy to use. No server required. Just download + register here @ http://www.razerzone.com/comms [razerzone.com] and you're done.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of our founders or leaders if you have any question.


nk join
6 years ago • 0 Like
nak join
8 years ago • 0 Like
All my SM (Selendang Merah) Platoon members , we move to B5 (Bravo Five) Platoon.. please find and join us at B5 (Bravo Five) ...

and Join us at FaceBook...
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1545784142313284/ [facebook.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello your Players crypit83 in GMT+8 18:50 in BFS Sever TK My Friend

Please contact me

Please do not accommodate such people
10 years ago • 1 Like
hello bro2 sekalian... group ni masih terima kemasukkan pemain baru lg ke? kalu ade, aku nk join bleh? (^ , ^)/
10 years ago • 0 Like
eh eh///mana boleh
10 years ago
ala... baru nk join... T^T.... hahaha...
10 years ago
good game see you next game!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello SM Platoon,

Good day to you. Hope you are well.

I'm xcharlottevines from ROG and im writing on your wall for scrim match against ROG ( Domination 5 vs 5) if you are interested. Please add me as friend and we discuss.

Have a pleasant day ahead.

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10 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
10 years ago
hmmm wait for confirmation from our leader ok ... sorry a bit late reply this post hehehhe
10 years ago
main ngan player SM memang best
10 years ago • 2 likes
Kita patut main as a platoon dgn lebih kerap utk score yg lbih tinggi :D sila komen di bawah
10 years ago • 1 Like
hey,aku nak tanya ,berbaloi tak klo aku beli premium???
10 years ago • 0 Like
Berbaloi, percayalah :D
10 years ago
berbaloi baloi... xD
10 years ago
I'm a new member of this platoon. Lets rock and roll! :D
10 years ago • 0 Like
hehehe ok MaharajaBen kejoinan awak di alu alukan xP
10 years ago
Hiie Guys im from GoGo clan , im looking for a scrim match , do u guys intrested on it? We will provide server :)
10 years ago • 1 Like
Guys, pertaining to founder post earlier today, plz write down each ID for razer comms.
JaguhKampung: ZaxVWagen
10 years ago • 0 Like
ajimaike : ajimaike
10 years ago
10 years ago
Salam sejahtera kepada semua rakan. Sila perkenalkan diri masing-masing sebelum menyertai platun. Dengan cara ini kita sama2 dapat saling mengenali dengan lebih baik lagi. Gamers saling bersatu!
10 years ago • 4 likes
10 years ago
asal aq x pernah nmpk korang dlm server aq maen pon
10 years ago • 1 Like
kalau nak tengok ada x orang main..click kat server kat atas...kalau ada team member main dia akan naik kat situ...fb search selendang merah...
10 years ago
Greetings to all friends. Do introduce your humble self before joining. This way we could know each other much better. Gamers stand united!
10 years ago • 2 likes
Hello to SM. Had the pleasure to play with the SM fellows (JaGuhKaMPoNg), amazing players with very good teamplay.

Keep it up guys! See ya on the battlefield!
10 years ago • 6 likes
Huiyyo....gempak giler platoon kite dah ade logo epic. Skang lebih semangat kesukanan lagi la gamaknye kite semua ye.
10 years ago • 0 Like
lawa siot
10 years ago
agaga..thanks invite boss...minta tunjuk ajar noo....noob lagi ni....hahaha
10 years ago • 0 Like
nk join = =
10 years ago • 2 likes