[82nd] 82nd Rangers

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Website: 82ndrangers.net • Created: 2014-03-05

5,394 / 35,000

528h 3m
Welcome to the 82ndRangers

Despite our roots being in the original Day of Defeat mod, we are no w a multi-gaming community with members playing a variety of different games together. In order to support this we have a private TS3 Server Not all members play all games obviously, although most still regularly play BF4 together. We are looking into maybe getting our own BF4 server.

Whilst the community is based mainly in Europe, we also have some members who live in the Eastern US. We welcome people from anywhere, providing they are awake when the rest of us are playing! Current members are a very diverse group of people, and represent a huge range of abilities, age and personality.

82nd Rangers have been around for nearly 10 years and some of the founder members are still very active within the community. We are not a fly-by-night community, and we will probably be around 10 years from now. If this sounds attractive to you, please pop by and say hello! Our forums look quiet at the moment as we have recently replaced them, but I can assure you we're all still there!

Read more: http://82ndrangers.net [82ndrangers.net]


Snowraith 'Snowy' Sweet you are sooo pro :) never met a player with an IQ so high..goodnight baby Snowy..this little clan is well representated by you ;)
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 2 likes