[RTS] Rounds To Spare
Created: 2014-02-28
1577h 12m
-rts- goes back to the days of playing Rogue Spear online, when we were a ladder team, a splinter cell of Total Ownage, with illustrious names such as TO-Brown, Hetman & the sadly deceased Go4iT. We have played through RS, Ghost Recon, Battlefield 2/3 & now BF4. Some of us are no longer here, some of us have families, some of us live in a hut in Norway with too much alcohol. Some of us have grey hair these days. Almost all of us have been gaming in online communities for over a decade. To be part of -rts- you must not be one of those types who cry like a baby in chat if you keep dying because of your lobotomy. Or accuse people of hacking or calling them noob just because they use an unlubed weapon you do not like. It is more important that you are an excellent person than an excellent ego-maniac player. That said, our guys are excellent marksmen & deadly in a fire fight. We are a close nit band of brothers who teamwork in the battlefield. Our first rule of engagement - respect other players & servers you visit IF they respect you.
Oh & btw, we love the glorious nation of Kazakhstan and we wear our sandals African style.
MhicLeoid out.
- You have to put in a request through one of the members
- The request is then forwarded to the Dear Leader
- The Dear Leader will discuss it with several RTS Leaders
- Decision will be made within a few days and you will
hear it through the member you are in contact with
- If you skip this procedure it will be automatically denied
Oh & btw, we love the glorious nation of Kazakhstan and we wear our sandals African style.
MhicLeoid out.
- You have to put in a request through one of the members
- The request is then forwarded to the Dear Leader
- The Dear Leader will discuss it with several RTS Leaders
- Decision will be made within a few days and you will
hear it through the member you are in contact with
- If you skip this procedure it will be automatically denied