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Website: teambxh.webs.com • Created: 2014-02-27

166,206 / 238,000

1481h 39m

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Welcome to our OPEN XBOX ONE CASUAL BATTLEFIELD COMMUNITY CLAN. Everyone is welcomed to join regardless of K/D ratio or skill.

1)All members should have BxH actively displayed as their clan tags.

2) Seek each other out online to squad up and have fun in pub matches.

3) We encourage good communication with mics enabled, and we concentrate on playing the objectives.

We maintain two platoons.

1) Competive Group (Identified by BHxG) clan tag. BOUNTYHUNTER GHOSTS

2) Casual Community Group (Identified by BxH) clan tag. BOUNTYHUNTERS


Im on ps4 but if is ok with u i will like to join
8 years ago • 0 Like
Done!!! Welcome to the team.
6 years ago
If we get enough PS4 members i will organize a platoon for it.
6 years ago
5.25.18 I created a new Club on Xbox called TEAMBxH. I AM BACK!!! Again i encourage everyone to join our club. I know its been a long time and as a result i am trying to gauge where our team stands. Who remains willing to participate and be active members. Our team is only as good as its members and leaders. That being said, we all have alot of work to do, to get back into fighting shape as a unit. BF V is coming in October. So i would like to be ready.
6 years ago • 0 Like
can you please look at my stats i really want to join a good clan
9 years ago • 0 Like
Zsamples, I took a look at your stats..... This is our casual team, everyone is welcomed to join regardless of stats. We do however encourage communication ingame, and that members play together whenever possible. Most importantly, we like to Play the Objective with winning in mind. I did notice that you are already in three platoons. 3 is the maximum limit. As such, I am unable to approve your recruitment request at the time until you drop one of those platoons.
9 years ago
Please, let me know when you do. HMU, and I will approve your application. Thank you for your interest in joining BOUNTYHUNTERS. Peace.
9 years ago
You guys got an attack heli crew?
10 years ago • 2 likes
C'est Moi!
Its Genericarc60454 and I (BxH Supremacy)
9 years ago
Don't really know how to word this

Hey guys just wondering if use would like to do a get together on bf4 the its just a community thing invite your friends the server we will be using is Aus or west us most likely west us server it will be happening on Thursday, 5th of March 2:30pm AEDT
10 years ago • 2 likes
if my controller worked I would join but it doesn't so I wont be able to
9 years ago
Next time, i will post event for all to participate. I like how you stepped up to make this suggestion. Keep it up. i will definitely support any future endeavors. Thanks!!!

P.S. Next time i will put it out on xbox live so it reaches more people in clan.
9 years ago


Follow us on Twitter @TEAMBxH
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Based out of USA

We are now a OPEN XBOX ONE CASUAL BATTLEFIELD COMMUNITY CLAN. Everyone is welcomed to join regardless of K/D ratio or skill.

1)All members should have BxH actively displayed as their clan tags and keep clan as Active.

2) Seek each other out online to squad up and have fun in pub matches.

3) We encourage mature ENGLISH speaking players to apply, with good communication skills (mics enabled), and we concentrate on playing the objectives.

We maintain two platoons.

1) Competive Group (Identified by BHxG) clan tag. BOUNTYHUNTER GHOSTS (Invitational ONLY)

2) Casual Community Group (Identified by BxH) clan tag. BOUNTYHUNTERS (Everyone welcomed to join)

If you wish to be considered for membership. Add me on XBOX LIVE BxH xIJuStUsIx, then send me a message. Then apply to our platoon listed under BOUNTYHUNTERS on battlelog.
I will review your application and respond to every message received. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank You.

Clan Founder xIJuStUsIx
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello, a new tournament 15vs15 begin 20th october, you can subscribe your team, it's just for fun ;). http://www.esport-battlefield.com/glory-series-s2/ [esport-battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
CQ 12v12 Scrim this weekend?
10 years ago • 1 Like
Up coming Matches for the BountyHunters:

Team Evolution: Saturday 8/16 8 pm Est time
IMPULSE GAMING: Sunday8/17 8 pm Est Time
eXploit eSports: Monday 8/18 time TBA
FULLSPECTRUMDOMINANCE: weekend of 8/22-824 TBA possible 4 pm est Sunday

For Any Challenges Message me: BxHSouLTaK3R

also when we play we have to clan tags which are BxH and BHxG
BxH are the casual gameing group witch will help fill in slots for a match if they are asked
BHxG are the Competitive Group for the clan. We are all in the same platoon Group.

10 years ago • 0 Like
want to set up a 8v8, 10v10 or 12v12 against iMx for this Saturday? Could set the match for 7/8PM EST and you can choose two maps and we will choose one? Let me know soon guys, cheers!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Shoot, shoot away iMx!!.. Get got first dip. JK, I hope you set something up soon with them. GL!
10 years ago
Hey guys a member of yours recently asked about a 10v10 here is the issue..we are only a group of 15 members. We are exclusive to XG only.Here is our website. So you see the issue with a 10v10 is out of the question. Although if we end up in a game against each other I'm down. What are platoon is all about is getting members from XiledGaming and training and building them up to essentially play well. It seems that yal have a few issues reading upon your public announcement. You have a large group..but in a large group you must also have structure..trust me I know I've had many issues of the sort in XiledGaming we are a group well lets just call it what it is..a sub division. I am in XGC which is built up of over 60,000 members and growing unfortunately there are only a handful of us that play BF4. So you see are problem. I hope the best and hope ya keep it up. Let me know if ya, ever what to game together some time. As this message is directed to the leader and the founders.Thanks http://www.xiledgaming.com/content.php?s=8ac2715725b2ea6eb1ad5341bee3d018 [xiledgaming.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
I'm not sure who contacted you regarding a match. But i understand your situation. Yes we have a large group. We are a casual and competitive clan. Meaning we have a competitive team comprised of our more skilled players called BOUNTYHUNTER GHOSTS. This is the team that will play most matches. Structure is very important in a large group. On this we both agree.

In the interest of gaming, and training. All matches we play are friendly, most of our guys are laid back, and well grounded. If you ever want to play a unranked friendly scrim. Hit me up, on xbox live and i'll put it together against some of our casual players.

Or if you want to game with us. Add me on Xbox Live and feel free to jump in my games for some pub matches. Best Wishes!!!
10 years ago
12v12? Msg me xbl GT=xA Smokey56ace
10 years ago • 1 Like
SmokeyACE, of EVO clan. Yes, we would definitely like to play you guys. It's just a matter of when at this point. Direct contact person is BxHSouLTaK3R. We will try to get something done as soon as we can. Thank you for the challenge!!!
10 years ago
Looking to do some scrims Tonight, And saturday if you guys are available for 3v3 5v5 or 12v12's let me know! You can message me in game (Dahminator89) or on here! xbox 360
10 years ago • 0 Like
Dahminator, (GOOL clan) Unfortunately, most of our team is on XBOX ONE. Since your team is a X360. A match would be impossible right now. Feel free to contact us again in the future if that changes. Thank you!!!
10 years ago
16v16, 12v12??????? CQ???
10 years ago • 1 Like
1N, Yes we would be interested in playing you guys. For sure. We have been getting alot of challenges. So, we will try to get something done soon. Direct contact person for our team right now is BxHSouLTak3R. Once we start rolling, we plan on playing everyone. Great experience for our team. Thank You for the challenge!!!
10 years ago
12v12 cq?
10 years ago • 1 Like
FsD, Yes, we would like to play everyone who issues a challenge. We are trying to line some scrims up this weekend. Contact BxHSoulTak3R He is our current contact person. If we can't get something going this weekend. We will definitely follow up until we do. Thanks for the Challenge.
10 years ago
Will you guys do a 12v12 or 16v16 sometime?
10 years ago • 2 likes
Yes, definitely. We were supposed to play you guys already, but it was the night xbox live went down. Everyone was unable to see their friends lists. So, Soultaker will reschedule. Thanks for your patience.
10 years ago
Looking forward to Te5 match in the future! good game though!
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
Good game Elk, Nice job on the outside with sniping. Yes, we plan on playing alot of games once we get rolling. I want to line up matches against as many clans as possible. We want to play against the best!!!

10 years ago
thanks man! it was fun and message me when you want to play te5 ill see what i can do
10 years ago
Hey guys, If you guys are interested in playing Battlefield competitive join us at www.sq1gaming.com
The first conquest season just started but we could probably get you guys a spot?
Just pop in and say hi.
Please note. It's Australian members only.
10 years ago • 0 Like
We have members from all over the world on our team. We have one member from australia. I will check out the website all the same. Thanks for info. Look us up @TEAMBxH on TWITTER. Also at TEAMBXH.WEBS.COM our website. Thanks again.
10 years ago
10v10? 12s?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Ricky, thanks for the challenge. Contact one of our Captains. BxH NAFTA, or BxH Chief. We will get something setup. Or contact me directly on xbox live. Thanks again.
10 years ago