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15,338,511 / 3,306,000

4409h 10m
First and foremost its a game... Do we want to win yes of course we do. We want players that play on a regular basis who want to squad up and communicate with each other. I am one of the biggest clowns you will ever meet, if you say something that causes you to stick your foot in your mouth.. Ummm hello yeah I am going to get lots of laughs at your expense. Hell it may even find its way onto You Tube.. We are looking for US Players

No big rules just respect one another, play as a team, represent the clan with class, always wear your clan tags (FALL), use the team logo as your emblem, be at least 25 years old and the biggest one have fun....

Teammates will get what they put in at this clan. If you just want to be a player and play with your fellow squad mates and not have to deal with the other stuff, then we have a spot for you. If you want to rank up and hopefully command your own squad then we have a place for you also.

You can also check us out on Facebook and YouTube
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fallen-From-Grace-Platoon/685487641536255?ref=hl [facebook.com]

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRVv3ZxXHGYsGS2rgbyU5w [youtube.com]

If this sounds like your kind of home then what are you waiting for apply now on battlelog!!


Hello brothers!

We want invite your team to join a friendly games project to keep battlefield 4 alive.

The project is called ACS All Clans Society.

Currently 31 teams on it. We make Conquest Large games all satudays 7pm california time. Mixed teams, no rules, squad based team sign in for games. Everything allowed.
All teams are strongly experienced as yours, meanwhile all good friends and the pace is peaceful, friendship and awesome bf4 matches.

The only proposal is to have fun and make great games. All free, exclusive server, and everything is set up through a Kik app group chat which only clan leaders or a team representative participate.
You just need to come and play with us!
Games are also live streamed in Twitch on multiple languages.

★ Current active teams


For more information contact kik users:


★ACS Twitch
http://twitch.tv/acsleague [twitch.tv]

★ ACS League Information
http://dfacorp.myfreesites.net/acsinfo [dfacorp.myfreesites.net]
8 years ago • 0 Like
Does anyone still play battlefield? add me Alphacola
9 years ago • 0 Like
dthronexroyalty add me
9 years ago
Applied, hope to play with yous. On ps4 most of the time
9 years ago • 0 Like
Please go over to the platoon page and click the use emblem and tag button we do require our emblem and tags be used always.
9 years ago
Thanks for accepting, using it now.
9 years ago
id like to apply to this platoon. I'm on ps4 and play everyday. I have a mic and I'm East coast American
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey I was in Fall before. I'm a friend of terrors I quit playing for a long while came back for hardline and wasn't in Fall anymore. Not sure what happened but I 're applied. Let me know what's up bat man.
9 years ago • 0 Like
There is only two specific reasons for being kick. Either Batman or me noted you weren't wearing FALL tag and emblem.

If you're playing Hardline, the FALL tag won't show. You have to manually enter it from Battlelog from the Hardline page.

Since it now shows you're back in FALL, you must have worked it out with Batman. Remember tag and emblem are required when playing a Battlefield game, including Hardline.
9 years ago
can i join your clan?
10 years ago • 0 Like
add me on psn
10 years ago
I sent you a friend request on battlelog accept it so we can talk about you joining the platoon
10 years ago
Just so everyone knows that the issues with battlelog platoons are still going on If you have applied to the platoon or have been invited and cant accept the invite, hopefully DICE will get this fixed so we can accept members in and you can accept invites. Please be patient as they fix the issue.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hello there, I'm looking to join I've just gotten a PS4 about two weeks ago and now just purchased BF4 for it! I've got a lot of playtime on the 360 and hope to join a platoon that's active on the new generation of gaming!
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
I sent you some questions on Battlelog chat. I just need you to followup with the answers. It's holding up the review of your application. Understandably, not everyone logs in to battlelog everyday.
10 years ago
Sorry Panda,
You haven't been online for sometime and had never followed up with me or Harbinger. I had to deny your application. If at a later date you become more active and decide to send me or Harbinger the answers to our questions, then you can resubmit your application (if you meet our age requirement and agree to wear the FALL tag and emblem always when playing BF4). <application denied>
10 years ago
Hey fellas just wanted to let you know I changed platoon. Nothing personal I had a great time with fall but some of my close gaming friends started a platoon sooooo yeah you know how it goes. Take care all and thanks for the good time.
10 years ago • 0 Like
No issue Dutch. At least you got to play a bit with FALL. Take care.
10 years ago
I recently got a ps4 and I am an active us player and friends with jackhammer and cswanson of your platoon
10 years ago • 1 Like
Welcome to FALL!
10 years ago
Hey Guys, I'm looking to join.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thank you for the interest in Fallen From Grace Platoon (FALL). I do see you are a leader of another platoon. Are you planning on leaving that one? Are you over the age of 25? If we accept you in do you agree to use our tags and emblem always?
10 years ago
Hey guys looking for some clan scrimmages. Feel free to get back to me on PSN: xCLOUTIER10x, thanks
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello all!! I'm an active player looking to join. Plz let me know. See u on the field.
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
10 years ago
Welcome to FALL!
10 years ago
just recently got onto the ps4. active US player looking for an awesome platoon! I am friends with jackhammer of your platoon.
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
welcome aboard
10 years ago
Welcome to FALL!
10 years ago
it wont let me re apply now
10 years ago • 1 Like
Done. Welcome to FALL!
10 years ago
I quit my other platoon, can I get an invite pls?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Done. Welcome to FALL.!
10 years ago
Will b on PSN from 1300 to about 2100 PST 10.29 FYI PPL L8
10 years ago • 1 Like
When the wife is away.... ;)
10 years ago
Shoot time has been changed to 0800 to about 140 PST today c whomever on the BF
10 years ago
I'm an ex-BNA clan guy. Big_Dutch, Navy, and BSH are guys that I used to run with regularly. Check out my stats, they're pretty good. I'm 33 years old, and Canadian.
10 years ago • 1 Like
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Well I would definitely start with all of the leaders for sure then start watching the battle reports and send invites. I m not going to sit down and right them all down for you we are an active platoon and really all of us play. You can go over to my PSN friends list and add from there to make it easier.
10 years ago
Thanks Harbinger, I sent an invite to the Founders and Leaders. I'll add the other members once I start playing more regularly with them.
10 years ago
Tired of lone wolfing. 27 M from Toronto Canada looking to apply and win games!
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 7 comments Read more
Thanks for the update. Sort of old news, but that's very good info to know in case he ever puts another application in. It makes it an easy decision to deny his application. He definitely isn't a type of person we would accept based on his past history.
10 years ago
Ditto he was in my old platoon as well twice I think MIA many times...good luck to him
10 years ago
Hey fellas, just got BF4 on PS4, long time player of BC2 and BF3, looking to find a group of folks to play regularly with rather than playing with 30 people who don't have mics. Let me know if y'all are still active and looking for good adult players. Thanks.
10 years ago • 0 Like
We are always looking for members. We do have an age requirement that you be atleast 25 also that you use our tags and emblem always.
10 years ago