[SUDT] Sons Of UDT

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Created: 2014-02-27

12,554,143 / 3,306,000

3912h 32m
http://youtu.be/DWrVuycWC20 [youtu.be]


SUDT was formed back in 2012 on Battlefield 3 by players who just wanted to be a part of something greater. Since then we have been tested by Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline, and have grown from a group of casual friends into a well oiled team. We are always looking for team players, individuals who are willing to learn and become a cog in our machine. When we reopen recruitment, you will be able to apply for all positions, from infantry in the trenches to combat pilots in the air. If you qualify for the position in which you applied, then your training begins. We will see you on the Battlefield.


http://sudt.clanwebsite.com/ [sudt.clanwebsite.com]


looking for a platoon that plays together and comms, looking for recruitment.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello fellas, I bumped into you. Can we setup a CQ match?
9 years ago • 0 Like
I'm Interested :3
9 years ago • 0 Like

We are a competitive League of Gamers looking to foster a competitive scene on Battlefield and other games that have a heavy emphasis on Teamwork, Skill, and Intelligence to win.

We firmly believe in: No Glitches, No exploitation, and No Ridiculous Restrictions.

Unlike most competitive Leagues we will seek to create a League that does not restrict gameplay for the sake of restrictions during Tournaments and Regular play.

We will keep things fair and want our competitors to have a great time while competing. We want everyone to experience the games as they were meant to be played while showcasing their skill dealing with all components of the game.

Founder: FreeMasonKnight (ICG, Sarcastic Raven)
Co-Founder: Deadeye (TWD, Deadeye Designs)

TWD: Was founded in January 2011, it is one of the longest and most successful Teams in all of Battlefield. With that experience we hope to Foster an equally long running and successful competitive outlet.


HL Website: http://www.hardcoreleague.co [hardcoreleague.co]
HL YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0P8gqcq-mwfpxtSgpYz1w [youtube.com]
HL Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hardcoreleague [twitch.tv]
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
Interested in playing with a crew that actually communicates in game and works as a team. The platoon I was in isn't moving to Hardline and I am. I play casually and hate playing with 31 others with no microphones.
9 years ago • 0 Like
scrim sometime???
10 years ago • 0 Like
Yo im really intrested in comp with a team. I am a Jet pilot and Scout Pilot and good all around check out my stats or talk to qwik2bus1 we have played alot together. Let me know if your intrested gamertag= Fatdaddykb
10 years ago • 0 Like
What up sons, I have made an attack chopper dogfight ladder for the community so if anyone wants to join just apply, everyone is welcomed
10 years ago • 0 Like
If you are a conquest team, we are looking to merge with a conquest team. What this allows you too do is use competitive ground players in competitive conquest matches. Here is a list of our top run and gun players.
Our top infantry players are.

1. iFaTuM - 515 skill, 2.75 kill death ratio, 1.47 kill per minute.
2. B A M B III N O - 511 skill, 2.75 kill death ratio, 1.29 kill per minute
3. Scumbag AdmBmB - 570 skill, 4.5 kill death ratio, 1.69 kill per minute
4. B1G K1W1ZlE 43 - 581 skill, 3.17 kill death ratio, 1.69 kill per minute (not as active)
5. FTA Viper - 427 skill, 3.09 kill death ratio, 1.39 kill per minute
6. Savatrocity - 421 skill, 2.98 kill death ratio, 1.26 kill per minute
7. MFVOMITSPIT - 411 skill, 2.56 kill death ratio, 1.42 kill per minute
8. Walling 117 - 407 skill, 3.36 kill death ratio, 1.26 kill per minute
9. DGA SoLa - 464 skill, 3.18 kill death ratio, 1.98 kill per minute (french, not as active)
10. Epsilon Actual - 460 skill, 2.24 kill death ratio, 1.31 kill per minute

Take you picks. Before we agree to merge and play ground for your conquest team, we need to talk to you personally.
10 years ago • 0 Like

Do you want to scrim to nite . on the 360 . best out of 3 on lock, metro and Rogue. just hit up armored Sentry
Conquest 12vs12 Team
10 years ago • 0 Like
This is ItsNo Life247, I just applied!
10 years ago • 2 likes
Hey i just applyed so let me know some thing
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
Scrim? If so message me on xbl StuChains or eXploit Goku
10 years ago • 0 Like
5v5 domination scrim?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Starting today and all the way through Friday, June 20th, Sentries of Adversity is accepting applications to Xbox 360 HARDCORE competitive ranked ladders for Conquest, Domination, Rush, and CTF.

The ladders will either start on Friday, June 20th, or they will start up when 10 teams join. The ladders should be under the name of Sentries of Adversity.
Teams need the full amount of players in their respective game modes in order to compete.
The ladders will be hosted on FraggedNation.net. The password to join will be 32APPLE88.

If you have any questions or need help signing up for the ladders, send Armored Sentrie a message on Xbox Live. Remember: these will be HARDCORE ONLY ladders! Good luck, and see you on the Battlefield!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Greetings SUDT. I am the Uncle of Tipsy Clown. He sold me his xbox prior to going to basic training. I am Playing on XBOX as Shooter 503. The XBOX one is an interesting piece of &$^%$#%^. From time to time it will pop up his name and log him in as I am playing. Or I will notice when I go to log out that he is log in.
This is not him. It is me. He is off enjoying the fine hospitality at Ft Benning Ga and intends to rejoin you all online after he is BLUE. Just wanted you all to know.
10 years ago • 1 Like
whoop whoop sons.. wingman?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Yo joshar15xpert, congrats on ur top 30 U.S.
10 years ago • 0 Like