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Created: 2014-09-03

41,315 / 67,000

1215h 55m
We are not a clan but a group of teammates who prefer to play the game as a squad and as a team. Simple as that. Join us if you like, but you must be willing to work as a team.


I Made a AD group on Steam so if there are any members or others that use steam as well as origin you can find the group there as well.
Link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ACEDEUCE/ [steamcommunity.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
So, Plano, let me see if I get this right...you see a post by a player, COMPLETE with a VIDEO (which, apparently, in your zest to report a cheater you neglected to watch) asking about an apparent problem with the FairFight program, and the 1st thing you do is report him to BFDB? Kind of makes you look like an ass, bud. If yo had bothered to watch the aforementioned video, you would have seen that I was neither outside the normal boundaries of play, nor under the map. I was, in fact in a spot frequented by literally EVERYONE who has ever played a SDM or TDM match on Zavod. And the 2nd kick came while I was IN THE CRUMBLED SMOKE STACKS...hardly a place that can be considered out of bounds. The 3rd kick took place WHILE I WAS IN THE LOADOUT SCREEN..not even spawned in yet. But nope, you, being the overzealous, obviously butt-hurt needledick type that tends to accuse anyone that kills them of being a hacker, the first thing you do is go tattle to a 3rd party website. Nice job, sugartits, really nice job.
9 years ago • 1 Like