[AWC] Armored Wrecking Crew
Created: 2014-04-07
7,381,346 / 3,306,000
2461h 22m
always on the lookout for experienced players...feel free to join
http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/20/5c/f0/205cf0c250fb75b013fa420c7bb438f8.jpg [media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com]
http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/20/5c/f0/205cf0c250fb75b013fa420c7bb438f8.jpg [media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com]
Hi guys! We are announcing a Battlefield 4 tournament with a prize pool! "Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019"
Here are the main points of the upcoming event:
- Registration http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2397-registratciiaregistration/ [rubigaming.com]
- How to register to the forum for team capitan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTfFwCvDmcM&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com] ATTENTION!!! at the end we apply exactly for this tournament Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019
- The tournament will be held from September 2019 until its full completion. The exact dates will be announced later.
- We play 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL Detailed rules can be found here in this same branch , but in the other topic http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2398-rulespravila/ [rubigaming.com]
- Start will be given in the case of registration of at least 8 teams, the type of tournament grid will depend on the total number of teams.
- At our tournament there is a prize fund, not just that would be a lot of money, but remember at least one tournament in 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL where there were at least some prizes...
- The prize fund is open and any team, participant, any person can add to it some amount of money, details and all methods of transfer are listed below.
- At the moment(1.08.19) the prize fund is about 700$
- The total amount will be distributed between 1 and 2 places in the ratio of 70 to 30 and transferred to the specified team captain details.
- If you have any questions(team captains only) add http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/user/666TractoR_GG/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Here are the main points of the upcoming event:
- Registration http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2397-registratciiaregistration/ [rubigaming.com]
- How to register to the forum for team capitan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTfFwCvDmcM&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com] ATTENTION!!! at the end we apply exactly for this tournament Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019
- The tournament will be held from September 2019 until its full completion. The exact dates will be announced later.
- We play 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL Detailed rules can be found here in this same branch , but in the other topic http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2398-rulespravila/ [rubigaming.com]
- Start will be given in the case of registration of at least 8 teams, the type of tournament grid will depend on the total number of teams.
- At our tournament there is a prize fund, not just that would be a lot of money, but remember at least one tournament in 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL where there were at least some prizes...
- The prize fund is open and any team, participant, any person can add to it some amount of money, details and all methods of transfer are listed below.
- At the moment(1.08.19) the prize fund is about 700$
- The total amount will be distributed between 1 and 2 places in the ratio of 70 to 30 and transferred to the specified team captain details.
- If you have any questions(team captains only) add http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/user/666TractoR_GG/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
5 years ago • 0
HiebundStichfest danke für das rüber kommen und helfen. hat spass gemacht. :)
8 years ago • 0
Hi all.. Welcome to GOLMUD - 64p - 24\7 -CRABSERVER for fun-. normal, 75% respawn
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/91177ab3-2fb6-4947-bb53-cf86e25e3d06/GOLMUD-3200-24-7/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/91177ab3-2fb6-4947-bb53-cf86e25e3d06/GOLMUD-3200-24-7/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
6 years ago • 0
Hi all look at my YT Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgZGTgNS_nSRHGZ9TYgi_IA/featured?view_as=subscriber [youtube.com]
7 years ago • 0
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Hey Tobi, ich bins Pain, sag mal diesen ZLIAA, dass er aufhören soll zu baserapen im Jet und er soll nicht glauben, dass er besser ist, die J20 ist einfach schlechter als SU 50 im Dogfight. Und wenn es nicht glauben will, soll er sich bei mir melden und wir machen 1v1, im Attack Jet hatte er auch keine Chance gegen mich. Ich finds nur ziemlich krass, was für Leute teilweise in AWC drin sind, halten sich echt für was besseres, nur weil sie keine Ahnung haben...
8 years ago • 2
xTiBer and
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http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/pl/servers/show/pc/f1f63f4c-c461-445e-949d-d78eb139fe37/RnG-Moonshiners-1-ALL-WEAPONS-ALLOWED/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
7 years ago • 0
Yo @AWC_Tobi,
would you mind removing my flagcounter from your profile presentation and either get your own one or just leave it? xd
https://gyazo.com/8f852beda2ea51e45e30af9a197797f7 [gyazo.com]
https://gyazo.com/28c8630983dfac9c779a51a051dd7428 [gyazo.com]
http://s09.flagcounter.com/count/RN8A/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_CCCCCC/columns_3/maxflags_12/viewers_0/labels_1/pageviews_1/flags_1/flags0/.jpg [s09.flagcounter.com]
http://s09.flagcounter.com/count/RN8A/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_CCCCCC/columns_3/maxflags_12/viewers_heheXD/labels_1/pageviews_1/flags_1/flags0/.jpg [s09.flagcounter.com]
Can you see the difference?
I can't.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your interests. Xd
would you mind removing my flagcounter from your profile presentation and either get your own one or just leave it? xd
https://gyazo.com/8f852beda2ea51e45e30af9a197797f7 [gyazo.com]
https://gyazo.com/28c8630983dfac9c779a51a051dd7428 [gyazo.com]
http://s09.flagcounter.com/count/RN8A/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_CCCCCC/columns_3/maxflags_12/viewers_0/labels_1/pageviews_1/flags_1/flags0/.jpg [s09.flagcounter.com]
http://s09.flagcounter.com/count/RN8A/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_CCCCCC/columns_3/maxflags_12/viewers_heheXD/labels_1/pageviews_1/flags_1/flags0/.jpg [s09.flagcounter.com]
Can you see the difference?
I can't.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your interests. Xd
8 years ago • 1
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nighthawk should be ashamed of himself. hiding in a fucking tank like a bitch and running back to spawn once he got hit. Under 200 kills with his best weapon and over 2000 kills with a tank. AWC you should really think about the players you got in your platoon, cause this is not good for your reputation.
I dont think he is a bad person, but on the battlefield he is a real asshole.
Best of luck for your future BF1 platoon.
P.S. i hope you dont mind the strong language.
I dont think he is a bad person, but on the battlefield he is a real asshole.
Best of luck for your future BF1 platoon.
P.S. i hope you dont mind the strong language.
8 years ago • 0
PSA: TV Missile Self-Destructs will most likely NEVER be Fixed in BF4;
https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield_4_CTE/comments/46d8jg/soooo_tv_missile_selfdestruct_glitch_is_never/d09lmw4 [reddit.com]
Sorry to bring you all this sad news.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield_4_CTE/comments/46d8jg/soooo_tv_missile_selfdestruct_glitch_is_never/d09lmw4 [reddit.com]
Sorry to bring you all this sad news.
9 years ago • 0
Eurer Platoon Leader "AWC_Tobi" ist ein Boosting Cheater und vor allem ein Möchtegern Spieler, der so was von Feige ist und große Klappe hat
Fast alle im Spiel haben sich über ihn beschwert über seine unfaire Spielweise und er hat angefangen die Mitspieler aufs übelste zu Beleidigen
Das kann ich gar nicht alles wiederholen, weil das so was von unter der Gürtellinie ist vor allem auf sein Niveau möchte ich mich nicht herab lassen
Wirklich asoziale Fäkalsprache vom feinsten
Nicht oft trifft man solche feigen Mitspieler (Kinder)
Nur weil er hier Anonym ist, glaubt er, er kann große Fresse haben
Verstecke dich weiter hinter deinem Monitor, Tobi du feiges Kind
Du kannst nichts außer im Heli Campen und weg rennen wenn man auf dich schießt statt zu Kämpfen
Ach ja und deine stärkste Leistung andere Mitspieler mit Fäkal Texten zu beleidigen
Ich habe auch keine Ahnung was für ein Mutterkomplex du hast, dass du meine und von den Mitspielern ihren Müttern mit üblen asozialen Beschimpfungen beschimpfen muss
Wahrscheinlich hat dich deine Mutter zu lange gestillt und das fehlt dir jetzt
Ich würde mich auf tiefste schämen mit so einem Feigen Kind wie du Tobi einer bist in einem Team zusammen zu sein, der nur Beleidigen und Campen kann
Verstecke dich weiter in deinem Boostin Cheater Heli du Kind
Kannst mich gerne jeder Zeit Adden, dann könnten wir uns auch treffen und es so klären, können wir ja sehen ob du dann immer noch große Fresse hast
Du hast es mir ja vorgeschlagen, dass wir uns treffen sollen aber meine Freundschaftsanfrage nimmst du ja nicht an, damit wir uns verabreden
Aber im Spiel schreiben; "las uns treffen" und jetzt kommt nichts mehr von dir .... ?
War klar, "AWC_Tobi" hat große Fresse und nichts dahinter ! xD
Das Beste ist, Platoon Leader aber nicht Spielen können ! haha...
Unglaublich, was für ein asoziales Hartz4 Kind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fast alle im Spiel haben sich über ihn beschwert über seine unfaire Spielweise und er hat angefangen die Mitspieler aufs übelste zu Beleidigen
Das kann ich gar nicht alles wiederholen, weil das so was von unter der Gürtellinie ist vor allem auf sein Niveau möchte ich mich nicht herab lassen
Wirklich asoziale Fäkalsprache vom feinsten
Nicht oft trifft man solche feigen Mitspieler (Kinder)
Nur weil er hier Anonym ist, glaubt er, er kann große Fresse haben
Verstecke dich weiter hinter deinem Monitor, Tobi du feiges Kind
Du kannst nichts außer im Heli Campen und weg rennen wenn man auf dich schießt statt zu Kämpfen
Ach ja und deine stärkste Leistung andere Mitspieler mit Fäkal Texten zu beleidigen
Ich habe auch keine Ahnung was für ein Mutterkomplex du hast, dass du meine und von den Mitspielern ihren Müttern mit üblen asozialen Beschimpfungen beschimpfen muss
Wahrscheinlich hat dich deine Mutter zu lange gestillt und das fehlt dir jetzt
Ich würde mich auf tiefste schämen mit so einem Feigen Kind wie du Tobi einer bist in einem Team zusammen zu sein, der nur Beleidigen und Campen kann
Verstecke dich weiter in deinem Boostin Cheater Heli du Kind
Kannst mich gerne jeder Zeit Adden, dann könnten wir uns auch treffen und es so klären, können wir ja sehen ob du dann immer noch große Fresse hast
Du hast es mir ja vorgeschlagen, dass wir uns treffen sollen aber meine Freundschaftsanfrage nimmst du ja nicht an, damit wir uns verabreden
Aber im Spiel schreiben; "las uns treffen" und jetzt kommt nichts mehr von dir .... ?
War klar, "AWC_Tobi" hat große Fresse und nichts dahinter ! xD
Das Beste ist, Platoon Leader aber nicht Spielen können ! haha...
Unglaublich, was für ein asoziales Hartz4 Kind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 years ago • 2
Schnappy_GER and
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Your Platoon Leader "AWC Tobi" is a Boosting Cheater and especially a wannabe player who is something of fig and big mouth has
Almost all of them in the game over him complaining about his unfair play and he started the other players on the worst offending
I can not repeat everything, because something can be from below the belt is mainly due to his level I do not want me down
Really asocial scatology from the finest
Not often you meet such cowardly players (children)
Just because he's here Anonymous, he believes he can have great kisser
Hide yourself further cowardly behind your monitor, you Tobi child
You can not save in Heli Campen and run away when shooting at you instead of fighting
to offend Oh and your strongest performance with other players fecal text
I also have no idea what you have for a mother complex you think that you and my curse from other players their mothers with serious antisocial insults must
Probably you breastfed your mother too long and the ails you now
I would be ashamed to lowest with such a child like you figs Tobi a're to be together in a team, which can only insult and camping
Hide yourself further in your boostin Cheater Heli you child
Can I be happy at any time Adden, then we could also meet and sort it so, we can indeed see if you then still have great kisser
You did indeed suggested to me that should we meet but my friend request do not you yes, so we arrange to meet
But writing in the game; "las meet" and now nothing comes more from you ....?
[it was clear "AWC_Tobi" has big mouth and nothing behind it! xD
The best part is, Platoon Leader but can not play! haha...
Unbelievable, what a child antisocial Hartz4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Almost all of them in the game over him complaining about his unfair play and he started the other players on the worst offending
I can not repeat everything, because something can be from below the belt is mainly due to his level I do not want me down
Really asocial scatology from the finest
Not often you meet such cowardly players (children)
Just because he's here Anonymous, he believes he can have great kisser
Hide yourself further cowardly behind your monitor, you Tobi child
You can not save in Heli Campen and run away when shooting at you instead of fighting
to offend Oh and your strongest performance with other players fecal text
I also have no idea what you have for a mother complex you think that you and my curse from other players their mothers with serious antisocial insults must
Probably you breastfed your mother too long and the ails you now
I would be ashamed to lowest with such a child like you figs Tobi a're to be together in a team, which can only insult and camping
Hide yourself further in your boostin Cheater Heli you child
Can I be happy at any time Adden, then we could also meet and sort it so, we can indeed see if you then still have great kisser
You did indeed suggested to me that should we meet but my friend request do not you yes, so we arrange to meet
But writing in the game; "las meet" and now nothing comes more from you ....?
[it was clear "AWC_Tobi" has big mouth and nothing behind it! xD
The best part is, Platoon Leader but can not play! haha...
Unbelievable, what a child antisocial Hartz4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 years ago • 0
что за детский лепет ,если тебя убили то все , может проблема в тебе и ты просто плохо играешь
9 years ago
elcastigio and
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Hi guys,I want to offer you to play klan wars 8x8 bnl rules,if interestingly add me in battlelog
9 years ago • 0
Imame ve4e Bulgarski Server, idvaite v nego ,za da se subirame tam..
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/2381cba7-3a69-4bdc-9257-da645bdc69d6/PReDaToRs-Playground-HC-No-rlz-by-4Netplayers/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/2381cba7-3a69-4bdc-9257-da645bdc69d6/PReDaToRs-Playground-HC-No-rlz-by-4Netplayers/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0