[TL] True Legends

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Created: 2014-02-27

4,102,560 / 3,306,000

1756h 5m


yo guys, do u know that raven7_be is faggot? he's insulting almost everyone on my server, crying all the time, reporting "miracle" cheaters? teamkilling and stealing vehicles and more and more. He's simply doing like a bitch, i'd recommend u to kick him and block. Cheers
7 years ago • 1 Like
Hoe join je? :3 Wou DyNaMiK-OnE al toevoegen.
9 years ago • 1 Like
LOL never seen someone as whiny as greyhound. Have a good day guys. It was hilarious. I'll leave a quote from him for you guys to laugh at:

greyhound: "omg i will report you now"
me: "please do, be my guest. If that makes you shut your mouth already"
greyhound: "no not for a dck like you"
me: "LOL WAT? - u're not gonna close your mouth for a dck like mine?!"

How can you even bear with a guy that has 2.5x the kills of his next gun with explosives
Breaching Charge: 1000
M416: 400
9 years ago • 4 likes
not only me he's reported then , lvl127 and still a moaning nub ,hes probably got !report on macro ..needs to l2p an gtfu
9 years ago
Ik jaag op jou met RPG kills dinamik.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Mag ik er ook bij??
10 years ago • 1 Like