[ACE] Always Crush Enemies
Created: 2014-06-14
4,963 / 113,000
613h 18m
"The victory is TRUE ONLY when the enemies themselves admit their DEFEAT!" -Claudius-
No Mercy...No Prisoners...No Surrender...Always Crush Enemies!!! A.C.E
No Mercy...No Prisoners...No Surrender...Always Crush Enemies!!! A.C.E
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064803327769106/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
Hola, se animan una war 12 vs 12 CQ PS3?
Si se animan, me agregan para cuadrar. Saludos
Si se animan, me agregan para cuadrar. Saludos
9 years ago • 0
Hey ACE iAMxCHAOSx from BomB Elite and we wanted to know if you were up to a reschedule battle sometime soon? Maybe next Saturday we could have a 12 vs 12 CQ or Rush if you guys are game. Hit either me or Swinger up on Battlelog or send me a message via psn. I am friends with Kingcyber on psn already. Hope to hear from you, thanks
10 years ago • 0
R.O.A.R (Roundtable Of A.C.E Recruits): Fellow A.C.E Members, the Roundtable of A.C.E has granted CaptShino and Tank_the_Pitbull their Crimson Shield of ACE tags!!! Lets welcome CaptShino (Beast of the Air), K/D 2.17, SPM 675, KPM 0.75, Skill 362. AND Tank_the_Pitbull (aka GeorgiaBoi) K/D 2.15, SPM 1,849, KPM 0.96, Skill 326. Welcome to ACE! Roundtable (Kingcyber, CptWilson, AGhostStalker)
10 years ago • 3
R.O.A.R (Roundtable Of A.C.E Recruits): Fellow A.C.E Members, the Roundtable of A.C.E has granted xX_THEKNIFIST and Noudy_Oxide their Crimson Shield of Destruction (ACE Tags)!!! Lets welcome xX_THEKNIFIST (Knife), K/D 1.37, SPM 416, KPM 0.67, Skill 276. AND Noudy_Oxide, K/D 1.23, SPM 1,049, KPM 0.57, Skill 296. Welcome to ACE! The Roundtable (Kingcyber, CptWilson, AGhostStalker)
10 years ago • 1
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a platoon member said you were interested in battle.please contact CHAOS at BomB ELITE and he can help set something up...
10 years ago • 0
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Hello Chaos, We are eager to hear back from you and your clan about possible clan war. If your headset is working properly, lets arrange an chat session for specifics. Kingcyber
10 years ago
Yeah bro I have seen your message on psn about the 15th. Ill be on tomorrow throughout the day so ill send out a chat invite when I see you on and hope the thing works this time! Which it should I just had a ps3 chat on sunday.
10 years ago
MEMO to ACE CLAN: Reminder of A.C.E vs C.M.D clan war held on 8/15/2014 @ 8:15pm (Eastern). If you were not selected for this particular war, you may be an new recruit. Those not selected are asked to be on BF4 during the time of 8:00 to 10:00pm (Eastern) in case someone is absent or have technical difficulties. You may be asked to join in to replace the member.
Host Server: C.M.D aka Cash Money DeFamilia Server
Maps: Operation Locker (selected by CMD)...Rouge Transmission (selected by A.C.E)... Shanghi (spelled wrong but never-the-less...our Tie-Breaker Map). Tickets: 600 each. If this is your first time hearing about the clan war please state so in comment area attached to this post. Practice makes perfect, so perfect "that skill" you do best. War is NOT the time to try anything new. Allow the designated squad leader to lead. No Chaos and Absolutely NO Negativity. LET'S BE GREAT...LET'S BE...A.C.E!!! Kingcyber
Host Server: C.M.D aka Cash Money DeFamilia Server
Maps: Operation Locker (selected by CMD)...Rouge Transmission (selected by A.C.E)... Shanghi (spelled wrong but never-the-less...our Tie-Breaker Map). Tickets: 600 each. If this is your first time hearing about the clan war please state so in comment area attached to this post. Practice makes perfect, so perfect "that skill" you do best. War is NOT the time to try anything new. Allow the designated squad leader to lead. No Chaos and Absolutely NO Negativity. LET'S BE GREAT...LET'S BE...A.C.E!!! Kingcyber
10 years ago • 0
Ghost was highly recruited by Kingcyber & Killer "cptwilson". I reflect back when ACE "Always Crush Enemies was only a thought, we knew as we played with and against "GHOST" we would have to make him a priority recruit. I remember mentioning several times to Ghost of our intentions on unleashing this NEW Bad Ass Clan that will dominate BF4; and Ghost only reply when asked if he would be down to join us was simply: "We'll see". Not only did he join...He was the first to join. Ghost first words to me as a ACE member was "What took you so damn long"? LOL A man of few words; but major gaming skills and knowledge of Battlefield. Help me recognize our newest addition to our Leaders of ACE "Always Crushing Enemies"...AGHOSTSTALKER!!! Hoorah!
Kingcyber & Killer "cptwilson"
Ghost was highly recruited by Kingcyber & Killer "cptwilson". I reflect back when ACE "Always Crush Enemies was only a thought, we knew as we played with and against "GHOST" we would have to make him a priority recruit. I remember mentioning several times to Ghost of our intentions on unleashing this NEW Bad Ass Clan that will dominate BF4; and Ghost only reply when asked if he would be down to join us was simply: "We'll see". Not only did he join...He was the first to join. Ghost first words to me as a ACE member was "What took you so damn long"? LOL A man of few words; but major gaming skills and knowledge of Battlefield. Help me recognize our newest addition to our Leaders of ACE "Always Crushing Enemies"...AGHOSTSTALKER!!! Hoorah!
Kingcyber & Killer "cptwilson"
10 years ago • 3
Please take a moment to send a friend request (via PS3 and Battlelog) to those ACE Clan members you haven't add yet. This is extremely important: It'll help us game more effectively as team when we bond, educate and share tips with those we haven't met. Kingcyber
10 years ago • 0
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First Platoon accomplishment: Seven ACE Members (5 on one team, and 2 on the other) kicking ass and taking names, in a server owned by another clan. You know your are doing your job (Crushing Them) when they decided to kick ALL of us out minutes before the end of the match and ban us from their server...including the 2 ACE members who was represented at the top of their team. Crushin' Them! LOL Kingcyber (We Will Be Known & Respected)
10 years ago • 0
"The victory is TRUE ONLY when the enemies themselves admit their DEFEAT!" -Claudius- Ruthless & Infamous A.C.E: "Always Crush Enemies" Clan. A Band-of-Brothers that will be Known & Respected for CRUSHING their Enemies!!! Welcome to the Brotherhood. <Kingcyber>
10 years ago • 0