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Created: 2015-03-14

25,012 / 26,000

144h 39m


Что пидары не заебались с читами бегать?
8 years ago • 1 Like
Я знаю что есть читеры, и их довольно много. Но, если единственное то что ты используешь как доказательство читерства то что они сверху листа в конце раунда - то ты еблан и чмо тупорылое, у которого руки из жопы растут и сам нихуя не умееш. Хорошо играть вполне доступно, хули ты пиздиш? У самого часов свыше тысячи, пора бы уже и научиться.
7 years ago
This is the best example, as we do not like Russians in the world
Because you can not play fair
You're worse than parasites
You just can not lose
I have all of you registered with EA !!!
Russians are scammers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Fucking xenophobe. I don't know if they are cheaters or not, but singling out an ethnicity like this - you're no better than a nazi. In fact, you're worse. A moralizing asshole that thinks he's doing good, while instead promoting all the hate he claims to be against.
Also, I checked some of the linked shit you posted - where the fuck is the cheating? Nothing I saw shows anything that is impossible! Not one of them has bans. You're a shit for brains establishment tool. And yea, I'm Russian too. Suck my balls, fuckwad. Btw, the lies DNC have been spewing for the past year - are just that, fucking lies. There was no hacking, just an insider who leaked info that implicates DNC in criminal activites!
https://www.thenation.com/article/a-new-report-raises-big-questions-about-last-years-dnc-hack/ [thenation.com]
7 years ago
Clan of cheating homos
9 years ago • 3 likes
2 / 7 comments Read more
Putin = Hitler !!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 years ago
No, it's a bunch of tards like you that are collectively hitler, Aaegle. Brainwashed troglodyte.
7 years ago
Il_SYNDICATE_lI is a CHEATER !!!!!!!!!!
Report to EA !!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=Il_SYNDICATE_lI&game=BFH&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

HL_RPX is a CHEATER !!!!!!!!
Report to EA !!!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=HL_RPX&game=BFH&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

anttoxa_07 is a CHEATER !!!!!!!!!!!!
Report to EA !!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=anttoxa_07&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

I_AceVentura_I is a CHEATER !!!!!!!!!!!!
Report to EA !!!!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=I_AceVentura_I&game=BFH&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

KATPAH-S is a CHEATER !!!!!!!!
Report to EA !!!!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=KATPAH-S&game=BFH&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

II-LELIK-II is a CHEATER !!!!!!!!
Report to EA !!!!!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=II-LELIK-II&game=BFH&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

Just now in Hardline Game I_AceVentura_I was out of the game kicked after 2 minutes
All players in the server have I_AceVentura_I kicked out because you have seen immediately the I_AceVentura_I a cowardly cheater is nothing else !!!!!!!!!

Cheater have small tails and complex !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please report this cowardly Russian Cheater EA !!!
Why might hardly Russians in the world, because as already the history shows they can do nothing other than to be a coward and others imitate or cowardly to play !!!!!
Like so most cheaters come from Russia well?
That says allews over you
Hardly anyone in the world like Russians
You can not even online games Fair Play
Everyone know as 1 minute in-game cheats use their cowardly children
Play Learns or continue playing with Barbie doll

No one wants to play cheaters
8 years ago • 0 Like
Du scheiß cheater II-LELIK-II ,video ist nach GGC gegangen....
9 years ago • 2 likes
Mr. MOCKBA been banned for his cheating !!!
And now it's your turn !!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Г-н MOCKBA были запрещены за мошенничество !!!
А теперь твоя очередь !!!
9 years ago
Yes fucking Rus Cheater

http://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=+IIKEBII+&game=BFH&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]
Report TO EA !!!!!!!!!!
Learn Play Rus kids !!!!!!
9 years ago • 0 Like