[RG] Rend Gaming
Website: www.rendgaming.clanwebsite.com •
Created: 2015-02-15
52,430 / 77,000
471h 52m
hey everyone I spoke to Ejotprb and im gonna hopefully join after trial so please accept my friend requests
9 years ago • 2
DrinkinMehStella and
like this
add me vigilantewave24
I'd like to join in, sounds like you guys practice exactly what it is i am looking for. Had an awesome clan of guys for the past 2 years but unfortunately most of them have not made the PS3-PS4 transition. My only question is...why the mandatory joining of rendgaming.com?
I prefer not to enter too much information, as least as possible and battlelog apprears to have everything it takes to stay connected and network with other clans/platoons. So, basically what are the PROs to joining rendgaming.com besides admission to this platoon?
PSN: SalemBey
I prefer not to enter too much information, as least as possible and battlelog apprears to have everything it takes to stay connected and network with other clans/platoons. So, basically what are the PROs to joining rendgaming.com besides admission to this platoon?
PSN: SalemBey
9 years ago • 0
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/platoons/view/7275867687371799126/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago
basically its keeping up with the community and getting to know everyone. on the site will be scheduled matches/practices and important info which won't be put on here so best sign up on the website.
9 years ago
I joined about 7 days ago and play every day and played with some RG members
now i cant log in ??
now i cant log in ??
9 years ago • 0
hi i was wondering i am 14 but have a mental matureaty age of around 17/19 can i still join?
9 years ago • 0
Rend Gaming is a casual team and gaming community that has just recently been created. We are recruiting mature adults to join up and possibly help recruit. As we grow, there will be some leadership positions available for those that are interested and feel they can lead the team. We are currently playing Battlefield 4 but will be moving to Battlefield: Hardline upon release.
Must be 18 years of age or older
Must have a working mic or plan on getting one
Must be a vocal team oriented player
All players looking to join the Battlelog platoon must register on the website at www.rendgaming.clanwebsite.com before receiving an invite or being accepted into the
Battlelog platoon. A new platoon will be created for Battlefield: Hardline
If you are interested in joining a chill group of guys to game with then join up now. If you have any questions or looking for a bit more info then contact my co-founder BhossKush, myself at Rend15, RG_FallenMayhem or eXplod-- on PSN
Must be 18 years of age or older
Must have a working mic or plan on getting one
Must be a vocal team oriented player
All players looking to join the Battlelog platoon must register on the website at www.rendgaming.clanwebsite.com before receiving an invite or being accepted into the
Battlelog platoon. A new platoon will be created for Battlefield: Hardline
If you are interested in joining a chill group of guys to game with then join up now. If you have any questions or looking for a bit more info then contact my co-founder BhossKush, myself at Rend15, RG_FallenMayhem or eXplod-- on PSN
9 years ago • 1
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