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Website: thesgn.com • Created: 2015-04-01

21,625 / 23,000

140h 45m
Here at The Syndicate Gaming Network (SGN) our motto is 'Come for the Gaming, Stay for the Community' and we stay true to these words. Whether destroying the Hive in Destiny, machines in Titanfall, or each other in Call of Duty, we bring a unique combination of competitive play and community interaction to each and every experience. Currently active on all platforms with popular titles such as COD: Advanced Warfare, Destiny, Dying Light, GTA V, and Battlefield Hardline, we blend a competitive clan with players at various skill levels. Whether you are looking to compete against other teams, learn some new skills in your favorite game, or just find a group of similar-minded players, SGN has what you need.

Well organized, structured, and always open to new ideas and expansion, SGN is the true home for anyone looking to break the cycle of boring, complicated, or restrictive clans; nothing is worse than getting involved with a group on a whole different mindset. If you think you can follow our simple rules, check us out at www.thesgn.com, chat with us in the forums or in game, and come be a part of the best gaming community around.

'Come for the Gaming, Stay for the Community'


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?