[DgC] Disowned Gaming Clan

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Website: www.disownedgamingclan.com/ • Created: 2014-02-28

38,026 / 57,000

446h 54m


so what has everyone been up to? anyone planning on getting battlefront?
9 years ago • 0 Like
after reading the last post i am afraid to ask for an applicaTION
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
guys send an invite please. I got and an invite to a friend platoon and i didn't know it will remove from this.

10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 6 comments Read more
Only one thing that i will not let pass by from you post. IGNORANT me really, let me tell you i came to this country from Cuba when i was 19, i had to learn a new language and also study networking so i can make a decent living in USA. Thanks god i succeed now i work at a company the develops Electronic Medical Records Software and I bought a house 1 year ago with a lot of sacrifice (i'm 26 now) so how is that for ignorant??? I have done way better than many people born in USA, on top off that i also will become a USA citizen in a few days . I'm done here just want it to show you how Ignorant i am.

PS i don't care about being ban in TS it was the server since is always full i liked to crash in there from time to time but that's OK i got that figured out already.

I will not come back tho this post
10 years ago
Wow for "learning another language", you might want to fix your understanding of when someone is saying your life is ignorant or rather, YOUR GAMEPLAY is ignorant. What a moron. The only people tat have to "brag" about their accomplishments in life are usually the ones that are insecure and incompetent. Poor Poor troll. You must be mad bro...Lol enjoy your supreme life you think you have attained...
10 years ago