[iO] iO Gaming Public

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Website: iogaming.net • Created: 2014-03-08

15,463 / 31,000

289h 49m
Welcome to the iOGaming Public Platoon!

Joining this platoon doesn't make you a member.
You must apply for the tag @ http://iogaming.net/signup [iogaming.net] . Once you become an iO member you will be able to join the exclusive iO members-only platoon here: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/2817088999546409222/ [battlelog.battlefield.com].

After joining this platoon, if you have not applied and been accepted as a member on the iOGaming website, you must remove the tag manually. On your Battlelog profile, go to Edit Profile and then Soldiers. You can then remove the tag and hit Save.

Please donate if you enjoy playing on our BF4 server. They are expensive to run, so any help will be greatly appreciated. Also anyone that signs up for a monthly sub of $5 or more will receive Auto Balance Immunity and Queue Priority. Check here for details http://iogaming.net/forums/162-battlefield-4/23923-donation-perks-bf4.html [iogaming.net]
You can donate by going here http://iogaming.net/donate [iogaming.net]

Current BF4 Server: *Updated 08/16/2014*

#1 24/7 Conquest - 64 Players - Location: CHI
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/c87c31be-8b85-4093-a064-4c54e605ca5a/iO-1-24-7-Conquest-iogaming-net-NFO-CHI/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

TeamSpeak: ts.iogaming.net


Just an update for those who are wondering why the 2nd iO BF4 server disappeared..

We had to shut down the server due to a lack of donations, and there is still a very good chance we might have to lower the player count on the remaining server.

Please Donate/*Subscribe today!! @ http://iogaming.net/donate [iogaming.net]

*Subscriptions preferred
10 years ago • 0 Like
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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
Come on down to iO town, we got bullets and guns and tanks and fun, so come on down to iO town!

Seriously, check us out! http://iogaming.net/bf4 [iogaming.net]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Our 2nd iO Server has been changed to 24/7 Siege of Shanghai. You can check it out by going herehttp://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/239ec6fb-152e-4d33-9302-26a1458cac92/iO-2-24-7-Siege-of-Shanghai-iogaming-net-NFO-NYC/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Help keep our servers running! Donate today @ http://iogaming.net/donate [iogaming.net]

We are also looking for new admins because we recently had a few step down. You can read more here @ http://iogaming.net/forums/162-battlefield-4/23872-want-admin.html [iogaming.net]

10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey iO team! i just registered on your forum however i cannot post yet due to my account needing activation by an admin. i'm happy you made this change, as the PT 24/7 Shanghai server has been getting bad with terrible admins. I'll try my best to get the server going with my clan whenever we're all on, as we did Sunday afternoon. a couple things:

-Have you guys considered making it US. vs. US.? That makes both sides even since the CN side has weaker choppers. Also, it also neutralizes both sides so you can't tell if a teammate or enemy is yelling about a fallen soldier. At first, i hated how this was on the PT server, but after a few matches i came to really like this.

- If you're looking for part-time admins, i would be willing to take on some responsibility. I ran CSGO servers with my last clan (Average at Best). I'm not really looking to join your clan but i know every so often you may need some help when no one else is around. I've been a frequent visitor on your 24/7 Conquest server, ask Redninja. looking forward to speaking with you guys soon.

-Anthony aka boner (EA wouldn't let me use "boner" in my name lol)
10 years ago