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Created: 2014-07-08

18,687 / 37,000

463h 12m
Its a family thing


I suggest a merger. I am the Chief Personnel Officer and this is what we have to offer.

Welcome to the new era of Battlefield communities. This is a Military based community and the top priority is RESPECT. If your younger and would like a taste of what it is like in the military, I can show you. If you are in the military and have an insight to offer, I could use your support. If you are now out of the military and miss it, I can provide a piece of your former life. If you have never been in the military I will RESPECT that as long as you RESPECT Me and its members. We accommodate many styles of members. If you are a casual gamer we have junior enlisted. If you are interested in a little bit more of an active role in the community we have Non-Commissioned Officers. If you are well trained and are a good leader we have Staff Non-Commissioned Officers. If you are really good in certain fields we have Warrant Officers. And if you are Motivated, Dedicated and want to be more involved, I have an Officer Corps. With that come the 3 tiers of organization; Enlisted, Officer and Council.

I offer 2 Battalions at this point.

1st Battalion

- Recruiting Company
- Administration Company
- Correspondent Company
- Logistics Company

2nd Battalion

-Alpha Company
-Bravo Company
-Charlie Company

Must be willing to complete Boot Camp, School of Infantry and Code Of Conduct. Along with those offers Drill Instructor, Personnel/Recruiting/Logistics/Correspondence Officers, Chief Personnel/Recruiting/Logistics/Correspondence Officers, SGT Sponsorship, Leadership Training, Armored Warfare, Tactical Insertion, Advanced Communication Skills and a brotherhood.

We have 2 Servers:

FCR Hardcore With Minimap

I look forward to adapting and overcoming any and all obstacles Battlefield 4 has to offer.
If you are interested in More Information, contact us. http://fcrps4.enjin.com/ [fcrps4.enjin.com]

Also here is a preview of our setup:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvpB9DvSlz0NdEdNRUliOGoxUDZic2ZtTy1NbXNkVFE&usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Are you fucking retarded?!? Boot camp? How are you gonna teach me anything when I'm better than you. Go fuck yourself you loser, lifeless little bitch.
10 years ago
Your K/D is under 1.

10 years ago