[LG] Legion Gaming

  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Founder
  • Leader
Website: legiongaminglg.yolasite.com/ • Created: 2014-05-12

18,702 / 26,000

166h 18m
Legion Gaming

We currently run a 24/7 Metro & Locker server. Always up, permanent server, and always packed. LG members receive VIP. We require mature players who play tactically and go for the objective.

Console: Xbox360
Server Name: "24/7 Metro & Locker 200% Legion Gaming"

Battlelog Forum Link: battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150493943609050/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Website: legiongaminglg.yolasite.com/ [legiongaminglg.yolasite.com]

YoutubeChannel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjIdCPjDTgjs8SAiRe_LGxg/videos [youtube.com]

Fireteam Squad
1. Assault (Medic) - BaRda AzReal
2. Assault (Medic) - Blue2178
3. Assault (Medic) - xD1STANTx
4. Assault (Medic) - Elitewarrior40
5. Support/Recon (Ammo/spawn beacons) - Gamecock596

Platoon Rules:

*. Must have an effective mic and use it.
*. Must play often
*. When in a squad you must work uniformly and follow the commands of the squad leader.
*. Use military tactics, always play the objective, no lone wolf!
*. When playing be sure to make call outs and use military terminology.
*. Respect ALL players on the server, you are representing Legion Gaming.
*. PTFO. Always play smart, hard, and never give into a loss.
*. If an LG leader or founder is present in your squad, please pass them squad leader.

Future Prospects: We are a growing community, and plan to expand our server base to encompass all possible needs of our clan. We happily accept donations from clan members to accomplish this. Our current goal is to maintain four servers within the next 2 months.

Admin: Admin on our servers is determined by donation or leader selection only.

VIP: All members of LG will receive VIP slots on all LG servers. Reminder: You must remain active and only carry the LG platoon while a member to retain your position.

Donations: Minimum donation is $10. $20 will get you admin on one of our servers of your choice. $30 will get you admin on all of our servers. If you are interested in helping to contribute to the clan, please use the following link: http://legiongaminglg.yolasite.com/merchandise.php [legiongaminglg.yolasite.com]

Admin Rules:

Please adhere to the rules or admin may be removed.

^. Remember, our community is only as successful as it is, because we allow gamers the freedom to be gamers. If we start kicking and micromanaging our community, we wont have one.
^.Follow the rules of the server you are admin on, if there are no rules, remember there are no rules and do not punish individuals for this.
^.No banning unless approved by a founder
^.Kicking is reserved for hackers, and extreme glitchers only. The ledge over bravo on lockers is not considered a glitch, or a kicking offense.
^Follow all platoon rules and be respectful to all players, remember this is their community to.
^. NEVER change server map rotation or manage the server itself in any way other than players.
^. Remember the role of an admin is to ensure there are no modders, hackers, or extremely glitchers ( Anywhere a player may get where they cannot be seen). As well as require all players to remain respectful of LG and other players.
^. Manage players, keep them calm, cool, focused, and competitive. Ragers, and those being openly rude to anyone will not be tolerated.
^. A two warning system is used for anything other than hackers, extreme glitchers, and modders. Let the player know that what they are doing is against community rules, and they need to stop. If the player continues (Give them a couple minutes), give them a second warning by an xbox live message stating if they do not quit, they will be kicked. Give the player 2 minutes again to comply, if they fail, kick them.
^. If you believe that a players offenses are so extreme they should NEVER (Need a ban) be permitted to play on the server, record their gamer tag and post a message on here (The platoon battlefield) with their gamer tag and a detailed explanation why they should be banned. A founder will then review this, and make a judgment.

If you have any questions regarding admin rules, please reach out to founder.

Respect the Fallen or Join Them.

"Labor Omnia Vincit"


i got perm ban for tking a hacker he goes by 000lll000lll000 and haha000lll000lll000 i have reported him along with everyone else he gets banned and is right back in in 2 minutes he uses esp and tor can i get my ban lifted i enjoy ur server and play everyday thanks
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi i have a question for admin i blow accidently one of of clan member to many times last night on the GENERAL LEGIONS LOCKER 24/7 CQCLASSIC on BF4 pc and i get teamkilling ban is it permanent ban or time ban for 24h or someting. tanks to take time to read this post and hope for aswer.
9 years ago • 0 Like
j'ai eu ma réponse 23h de ban
9 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey my friend dbd is apart of your platoon and I was wondering if I may join as well.
10 years ago • 0 Like
did any one watch this yet --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu1I_Supvc8 [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
the new maps they have do look like a little world-Z ready
10 years ago
Looks pretty sick man, everything GTA should have been!
10 years ago
Why dont you guys respond lets scrim saturday
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
10 years ago
10 years ago
Hey soldiers, this game rocks and sick of rock'n solo. Not to shabby with a sniper rifle and would be honoured to join your platoon. good team player following orders isn't a problem unless I cant sing the BFFS noob song whiles taking an objective. Ive got little Birdy legs :-) JK HOORAAH
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
i would like to join you clan ?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Invite sent
10 years ago
5v5 dom scrim?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Saturday lets do a conquest scrim 12V12
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi. I love bf4 except I never have a good team to play with so I am asking if i can join your platoon. I think I am an above average player and I like to play competitively. Please accept me on your platoon.
Thanks for taking your time to read this.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Oh and also I am mainly a Support player but I am good at following orders and i will change "class" if asked to
10 years ago
10 years ago
Is it okay if join? The clan I am in right now I jusy dont play with them enough. The clan leader is on but noy playing bf4. Which region of the us are you from? I've been lone wolfing everytime I play.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello! You have been accepted. We are spread all across the US. Current server is west coast based, but none of our east coast members have any lag problems. We have aussie and UK members as well, who never seem to have lag. Look forward to battling with you brother!
10 years ago
Minimum 1.0 KD to join!
10 years ago • 0 Like
Lets scrim guys you intrested
10 years ago • 0 Like
We are still establishing a fireteam, please get back with us in a week or so.
10 years ago
Hosting a tournament 5v5 Domination
http://www.fraggednation.com/join.php?type=2 [fraggednation.com]
that is the link to the tourney.
Before signing up you must have 5 members signed up to your team
The password to the tourney is "vg"
10 years ago • 0 Like
Need a date and time before we look into it.
10 years ago
Is it okay that I dont have a mic to join .
10 years ago • 0 Like
Need a Mic Sry.
10 years ago
LG is recruiting! Looking for skilled soldiers who are interested in a milsim, tightknit clan that get it done!
10 years ago • 0 Like
LG will be battling tonight around 8-9 CST. Hope to see you all you there. Make sure and check out the gaming website when you get a chance. legiongaminglg.yolasite.com
10 years ago • 1 Like
Brand new Legion Gaming website is now up and running. It can be found by clicking the link above, or here: http://legiongaminglg.yolasite.com/ [legiongaminglg.yolasite.com] . Hope you guys enjoy it!
10 years ago • 1 Like
hey ur the leader can we talk
10 years ago
There are three equal "Leaders". Myself, R3x Mort3m, and Fatcouchmonkey. How can I help you?
10 years ago
New map added to the rotation. We will give it a test run for a day or so, it is Guilin Peaks. Let us know what you think!
10 years ago • 1 Like
Yea...This didn't go so well. We have returned to 24/7 Metro Lock and will be opening another server with different maps (Vehicles) next week! Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting developments with LG!
10 years ago