[BETR] The Best There Is

  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
  • Leader
Created: 2014-03-21

2,824 / 35,000

321h 33m
A platoon that is growing in strength looking for recruits. Message me for an invite or any of my co leaders. Before you join you must play with XDinternalpitXD & dropatr0n and we will decide if you are worthy of an invite. This platoon is a platoon that loves to have a good time and if you start trouble or give crap to a fellow member you will be kicked. This platoon is also a competitive one. We are starting platoon battles so everyone get ready to bring your A game.
over and out
your leaders- XDinternalpitXD & dropatr0n


We wil be accepting clan battles if your interested send a friend request to me or any of my co leaders and telling that you are interested in starting a clan battle. we will make a time and and set up the battle we don't care what game mode we play or what map. So any clans seeing this challenge us.
10 years ago • 1 Like
hey guys pdhm here seeing if you would like to do a 5v5 on the 360? please message back as fast as possible a hasty respond is very appreciated.. look forward to speaking in the future and thanks
10 years ago
Hey dro and pit, its Swag just wanted to drop by and see how the ol' platoon is doing, hope all is well. P.S. my emblem still looks awesome lol
10 years ago • 1 Like
It's awesome dude thanks again! See you on the battlefield brewski!
10 years ago
hey guys pdhm here seeing if you would like to do a 5v5 on the 360? please message back as fast as possible a hasty respond is very appreciated.. look forward to speaking in the future and thanks
10 years ago
hey guys pdhm here seeing if you would like to do a 5v5 on the 360? please message back as fast as possible a hasty respond is very appreciated.. look forward to speaking in the future and thanks
10 years ago • 0 Like
Can we set up a 5v5 sometime soon?
10 years ago • 2 likes
I say we set it up on the weekend. Saturday July, 26th @ 8:00 P.M. Central Time
10 years ago
So is that an affirmative or a negative?
10 years ago
I like your idea Amazing a 5v5 sounds good you guys up for it what time is good for you?
10 years ago • 2 likes
Saturday July, 26th @ 9:00 P.M. Central Time
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey guys its richard the founder of pdhm i just wanted to know if you guys were up for a 5v5 defuse still?
10 years ago • 2 likes
my e-mail is petenorthstar@gmailcom. Just send me a holler and we will arrange a day and time. Hooah!
10 years ago
SearchNFearless has applied to join . Those who agree say "I". Those who oppose say "Nay".
10 years ago • 0 Like
naa here what do you think
10 years ago
hey guys. I was just thinking, if you invite me in the platoon, I think I can make a better emblem. just a thought.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to the new member hatredforhumans lol he doesn't hate us just hate stuptid people played with him for a while hes cool
10 years ago • 1 Like
All right guys lets bring the A-game or should I say.....BETR game!
10 years ago • 2 likes
This is a message for the members today March 27 we will be doing normal servers so every one our members can play to rank up platoon you need 4 people so everyone is invited lets rank up the platoon and get experience I will be getting on around 3 so hope to see everyone on.
10 years ago • 2 likes
Welcome to the clan plz try to contact me to do a game where we are all in so we can get platoon xp and rank up our platoon. I encourage people to play with fellow platoon members and our clan strives for a friendly bunch of players who love to play battlefield.If any one wants to join feel free to play with me the leader of any fellow members for assessment on your ability to play and communications skill. We will not invite you to the platoon if you do not have a mike our games will consist of good communication and well around teamwork. Thank you for joining the clan members who have already joined if you want to get an assessment send them a message or me saying so and we will happy to play with you.
10 years ago • 2 likes