[HBCx] Hells Bad Company

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Website: hbc-clan.com • Created: 2014-07-09

5,472,018 / 3,306,000

2539h 18m
Welcome to Hells Bad Company! We are a team devoted to the competitive aspect of Battlefield 4. We operate in military simulations and skirmishes alike. If any of this sounds good apply now!

Our Website:
http://www.hbc-clan.com [hbc-clan.com]

Code of Conduct:
http://hbc-clan.com/code-of-conduct/ [hbc-clan.com]


Hi i would be honored if you would let me go through your training and hopefully become a Hells Bad Company Recruit
7 years ago • 0 Like
sorry my xbox one gamertag is: OAS Wraith
7 years ago
always wanted to try a milsim on battlefield 4 please message me on xb1.
gt: CainoChevy
8 years ago • 0 Like
dedicated bf4 player who uses teamwork to win. hope to join
8 years ago • 0 Like
Oi, you guys looking for another comp player? I want to scrim like in the good ol' days.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry for the late reply, we'd be highly interested in giving you a shot. Just message me on Xbox Live (Gamertag: Nova Tantrum). Hope to hear from you.
8 years ago
HARDCORE SERV. BROWSER FIX: Put these settings on, then sift through the Normal/BR servers. Favorite the Hardcore servers

FREE SLOTS: Do either blank or Full. TYPE: Ranked and Unranked. PRESET: Leave this blank. Hardcore is now known as "Unknown Preset" until it's fixed.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Looking to join your clan. Your clan seems like it has it all together. Been playing shooter games for about 3 years and new to BF, but always place in the top 3. Hope you accept my application. I play on XBOX 360 and have a MIC. Thanks
9 years ago • 0 Like
Have you messaged anybody about joining? Sorry if It's been a late reply, I just got on to read this post.Just asking to see if anybody has responded to you request?!
9 years ago
I want to try you guys out if i like how yall play i will join
9 years ago • 0 Like
We have played on your server and wish to play with you guys more.
9 years ago • 1 Like
RAIN , not ignoring your request. BL is messing up and wont let me accept.
9 years ago
Yeah they made the hooah button into a facebook like lol
9 years ago
Hey NitrousCashew73 hear! Just seen your Metro Server and read your information about how to contact your platoon leader ! Well im sorry to say that im not interested in signing up for your platoon but i am interested in Competing against it :) So please if someone could contact me so we can get this battle going ASAP i would appreciate it :)
9 years ago • 1 Like
This is SFR Avalign, looking to join in :D
-No longer in the SFR, btw
10 years ago • 0 Like
Looking to Join, handle :Pahria, played plenty of times with the clan already.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Last night was a good practice we got to look at a setup Fidel had on locker. We kicked spec clans ass in its own server and made them cry about it.

Very satisfying

10 years ago • 0 Like