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Platoon for News/Updates from the No Explosive Metro Only Server

- NO: Explosives | Flares / Flashbang | Bipod on LMG | EOD / SUAV/ MAV | Poison arrow | Any kind of glitch
- LMG limit of 6 | SNIPER limit of 5 | smoke is allowed!
(rules on the server are monitored by plugins)

- No Racism,bad language bigotry, political or religious statements!

- Teamplay is key on NEMO
- Be respectful and HAVE FUN!

If you want to buy a V.I.P. slot (5 euro/month) please contact with XRay205 on Battlelog!

Metro Only game server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/900607ac-3900-4bd4-bdcd-a491a4b7e4c1/NEMO-No-Explosives-Metro-Only-3000-Tickets-64-Slots/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Metro Only GameTracker website:
http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/bf4.homedns.org:25200/ [gametracker.com]

Metro Only Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/NEMOPlatoon/ [facebook.com]

#Teamspeak: ts.jah-warriors.com


http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/SoIdier69/stats/717760683/pc/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Obv cheater i have ever seen !
6 years ago • 2 likes
def not clean
6 years ago
with that acc lol
6 years ago
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sorry Guys the Server close in 10Days the laggs are shit
and i dont have the money for other hoster the are more expensive
6 years ago • 2 likes
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need more time for the new one
6 years ago
hey, also der neue server soll dann 55€ kosten oder ist das der preis für den alten?
6 years ago
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idk why the nemo guys trashtalk so often
-"server runs ok"
-"no laggs here"
-"server runs smooth"
6 years ago • 2 likes
yesterday it was fine but i have some trouble days before with massive packrt los, bad hitreg and laaaaags. The strange is, not all players had the same probs at the same time.
6 years ago
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Hi, please i have ban on your servers, but i dont know why. I never use a cheat.
Please help me. I want to play on your servers.
6 years ago • 2 likes
6 years ago
:-) Thanks
6 years ago
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I was just kicked by an admin, but I don't know why :( And now I can't rejoin the server either.
What did I do? :(
6 years ago • 2 likes
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Omg! I'm terribly sorry for that :( I almost never play anything but Recon (when I'm not flying my attack jet) and since I tried helping with revives.. I guess I must have just forgot to remove the explosive granade I had equipped as Assault. I'm also very new to "No Explosives", so yeah :( Once again, I'm terribly sorry about that everyone!
And lots of different glögg are already on the way, Maggi! :) <3 Tyvm!
6 years ago
O.M.G! I was thinking "Remove all explosives on all classes" over and over in my head - which I did before spawning. But I forgot that I had a shotgun equipped as Assault. I feel Really embarrassed right now, cause I'm usually not that stupid (believe it or not). Bitte verzeih mir :( </3
6 years ago
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sorry wenn ich das hier so schreibe, aber ich denke ich werde nicht mehr auf eurem server spielen wenn ich sehe das die jungs vom CRAP-Clan on sind. macht einfach keinen spaß und sie mögen ja wirklich sauber sein, aber jede runde mehr als 180 kills das macht keinen spaß wenn sie dann zu viert oder fünft auf dem server sind!
6 years ago • 2 likes
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zitat jackzoo:- SPIEL doch einfach mit und schieß auch 180 Kills
haha, der war gut^^
wenn ich mal so gut wäre und auf meiner seite die leute auch öfter gerne mal teamplay betreiben würden hätte ich eventuell die chance auf 100 ;)
ich renne halt rein und versuche was zu reißen in der hoffnung die anderen ziehen mit. ist aber meistens leider nicht der fall.

das mit dem assist ist wirklich ab und an nur müll weil es wirklich viele als join to win nutzen oder so kommentare kommen: ich assiste weil ich das team scheiße finde.

in diesem sinne
6 years ago
wir fragen uns halt auch oft das gegenteil,.... 3k tickets und manche spielen 1 stunde und gehen mit 20zu60 runter ....
6 years ago
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If you have any questions ask me pls on Facebook Iam always online and respons time very Fast Greetz XRay205
6 years ago • 2 likes
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Was ist mit unserem Server passiert?
6 years ago • 2 likes
We shut it down about the kid who crash the server sorry. But he come back
6 years ago
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