Are you guys aware that it take 10min to start your server, then everyone has fun, and the next round all leaves because of the long wait.. Just a heads up. Have a good one boys!
hi guys can someone tell me why am I banned from ur server It all happened when I changed my name from Nalli th3 Ninja to Pooki Th3 Ninja Plz guys help
Hey guys How would you like to play a friendly match against our Clan YSNP. let me know if you are interested and what time would suit you so that i can arrange with my Clan.
shot guys
You guys host a silly server... Why do you keep balancing clan mates out of squads and why do you display a message containing the word pussy when someone is knifed, yet kick/ban someone who uses the word idiot?
Would you guys be as kind as to send me ut ts details if you have, woud love to chat to you sometime about setting up some Friendlies, Let me know if that is cool.