[SOMF] SquadOfMaverickFightrs


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Welcome to the Squad of Maverick Fighters (SOMF)

Here, no leader, no chief, no orders (besides commorose !)

Only rules :

Play with your mates when you want,
Heal your mates if you can,
Repair your mates' vehicules if you can,
No racism, no sexism, no insults, only fun at war :)

You're a beginner and want to learn without being called a noob ?
You're excellent and want to teach us ?

Come and join us !

Soyez les bienvenu(e)s dans la Squad Of Maverick Fighters, l'équipe des francs-tireurs solidaires :)

Ici, pas de chef ou de guide spirituel, pas d'ordres (à part sur commorose !)

Seules règles à suivre :

Jouez avec nous quand vous le voulez,
Soignez les potes quand vous le pouvez,
Réparez les véhicules quand vous le pouvez,
Ni racisme, ni sexisme, ni insultes, on est là pour s'amuser !

Vous débutez et souhaitez en apprendre sans être traité de noob ?
Vous excellez et vous voulez nous donner des leçons ?

Rejoignez-nous !

Welkom bij het Peleton van Maverick Fighters. (SOMF)

Er zijn hier geen leiders, geen bazen, geen regels (behalve commorose!)

De enige regels die er zijn:

Speel met je teamgenoten wanneer je wil.
Genees je teamgenoten wanneer mogelijk.
Repareer voertuigen van je teamgenoten wanneer mogelijk.

Geen racisme, geen seksuele opmerkingen, geen beledigingen. Heb gewoon plezier in de oorlog :)

Ben je een beginner en wil je het spel graag leren zonder noob genoemd te worden?
Jij bent uitzonderlijk en je wil door ons getraind worden ?

Kom en join ons!

Willkommen im Squad of Mavericks Fighters (SOMF)

Hier gibt es keinen Führer, keinen Chef und keine Befehle (außer Commo rose!)

Die einzigen Regeln sind:

Spiele mit deinen Kammeraden, wenn du willst.
Heile deine Kammeraden, wenn du kannst.
Repariere die Fahrzeuge deiner Kammeraden, wenn du kannst.

Kein Rassismus, kein Sexismus, keine Beleidigungen! Nur Spaß im Krieg! :)

Bist du ein Anfänger und willst lernen, ohne "Noob" genannt zu werden?
Bist du exzellent, und willst uns unterrichten?

Komme zu uns!

Боец, добро пожаловать на сервер "Squad of Maverick Fighters" (SOMF)!

Не будь мудаком, будь частью своего отряда - не стесняйся поднимать и лечить товарищей, чинить технику и отмечать цели.

Не стоит оскорблять других игроков или просто проявлять неуважение - мы тут просто веселимся, чего и тебе желаем :)

Новичок ты или уже игрок со стажем - в ступай в отряд SOMF и покажи на что ты способен!

Benvenuti nel plotone Maverick (SOMF)

Qui non ci sono leader, capi o gerarchie.

Le uniche regole sono: dare supporto ai compagni (riparazioni, medipack, munizioni..) e fare gioco di squadra.

No razzismo, no sessismo no insulti.. Solo divertimento!!

Sei un principiante e ti serve qualche dritta per migliorare? Sei un esperto e vuoi condividere la tua esperienza?

Unisciti a noi!!


Hi guys! We are announcing a Battlefield 4 tournament with a prize pool! "Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019"

Here are the main points of the upcoming event:

- Registration http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2397-registratciiaregistration/ [rubigaming.com]

- How to register to the forum for team capitan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTfFwCvDmcM&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com] ATTENTION!!! at the end we apply exactly for this tournament Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019

- The tournament will be held from September 2019 until its full completion. The exact dates will be announced later.

- We play 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL Detailed rules can be found here in this same branch , but in the other topic http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2398-rulespravila/ [rubigaming.com]
- Start will be given in the case of registration of at least 8 teams, the type of tournament grid will depend on the total number of teams.

- At our tournament there is a prize fund, not just that would be a lot of money, but remember at least one tournament in 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL where there were at least some prizes...

- The prize fund is open and any team, participant, any person can add to it some amount of money, details and all methods of transfer are listed below.

- At the moment(1.08.19) the prize fund is about 700$

- The total amount will be distributed between 1 and 2 places in the ratio of 70 to 30 and transferred to the specified team captain details.

- If you have any questions(team captains only) add http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/user/666TractoR_GG/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
5 years ago • 0 Like
I feel sad reading all these comments about admin abuse, but it's something i knew that was happening, as for the platoon owner he wasnt around that much due to private reason, and i wasn't online alot also due to private reason, in the end the server is gone and i coulnd't be there to keep it alive and do something against all the unreasonable shit that has been going on during that time, it's sad that when you give someone a lil bit of power that they instantly abuse it and use it for their own gain instead of helping the community and play fair, back when i was playing, i was a fair admin, almost never kicked someone but rather gave them a warning as a way of showing that there is someone who can do something about a problem if such one should rise, nonetheless it's sad how only a handfull of player who got a lil bit of power, just destroyed a whole platoon/server special regards to Blitzkrieg as he's been the main source of the problem. With this i also will be leaving SOMF it has been a fun ride and i still miss playing with my buddy Guinness as he and me always made a good pair in tanks. Best regards, Mr Fruit Tootie. Peace o7
5 years ago • 1 Like
взвод козломордых мразей
5 years ago • 0 Like
Und er bescheisst weiter der blokKST4R
5 years ago • 1 Like
nice blokk cheater idiot
nice big big Cheat
5 years ago • 1 Like
Сервер вроде неплохой но админы ведут себя неподобоющи . Неоднократно, забанили по непонятным причинам. Адекватного обьяснения БАНУ нет . Якобы Кемперство . Но толкового понятие о кемперстве видать ни кто не знает .
6 years ago • 0 Like
Тело неадекватное, забанено перманентно.
6 years ago
BlitzKrieg : why do you kick me for no reason? ah sorry, because I killed you? species of noob !!!
6 years ago • 1 Like
Вряд ли я кикнул тебя просто так.
6 years ago
Приветствую честных игроков. Я так понимаю это официальный взвод сервера. Дня три назад я был забанен на вашем сервере по лживому обвинению в атаке базы. При подключению к серверу выходит эта надпись: BASE RAPING . Если есть компетентные игроки, прошу разобраться с моим баном, или дать ссылку куда обратиться.
7 years ago • 0 Like
Тебя уже разбанили?
6 years ago
erbitte Einzelheiten wegen Serverzahlungen. Was müsste ich zahlen und welche Rechte hätte ich dann zuerwarten.
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Blitzkrieg was soll das mit dem rausschmiss hast wohl angst zu verlieren nicht grad die feine art.
grüße Bassengine
7 years ago • 0 Like
(SOMF) ukhudsheniye762 : Fuck Russian Cheater
7 years ago • 1 Like
Why cheater?
7 years ago
You are stupid admin
7 years ago • 0 Like
i like the server been playing it alot but today keep getting booted for sniping so all the kills i get are gone and messes my stats up ????
7 years ago • 0 Like
Killed by an admin because a killed TANOSSHI (SOMF admin) ???? on C point , middle map, he said i camp in spawn, its ridiculous ! are you serious ? first time i have problem on your server, maybe should choose your admin with a brain and fairplay
7 years ago • 0 Like
козломордое уебище
7 years ago • 0 Like
You should keep an eye on Unears on his admin abuses, kicked me from a game for “Team-kill” and “insulting” him, obviously I did neither of those. When I told him that I did nothing of that he said “too bad, blame your friend” (referring to a friend who was banned earlier on the match), but yet he didn’t kick me from the game at the same time as my friend, but he waited until our team was about to win (10 tickets left) and only then he kicked me. I just hope that not all your admins are like him.
8 years ago • 1 Like
about this problem i complainin years,i wrote to EA.This is cheating by admins.they take all the good players to their side,2 attack heli's for them 1 for the other team,they lett you wait more then 10 min. for tanks etc.etc.When the auto balce saparate them they in a second switch side's etc. etc.What this admins are doing is worst then the normal hackers.They are noobs:allone they cant do sh...t and thats why they doing this.There are +- 10 admins who doing this kind of sh.....t.Silly game spoiling idiots who pay money for those servers only to do those things.Isnt that silly?JUST PATHETIC.
8 years ago
Nice admin abuse (BlitzKrieg) kicking the AA when you like to flye
8 years ago • 1 Like
Zerocool small noob,stay all game on base and suck my balls! Нахуя вам в клане такое дно как он? Он только на лаве может стоять,умственно отсталый долбоеб
8 years ago • 0 Like
Enjoy Troll deluxe haha.
https://youtu.be/1VDGp6Wb-_8 [youtu.be]
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi everyone !

Follow our server stats at http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ [gametracker.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like